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CHRIST “Messages to Awakening Humanity”

“Pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” (Matthew 6:6) Namely this saying from the Gospel became a basis for me. Namely the prayer and deep faith in the Creator of the Universe allowed me to realize this saying in my life. Namely the prayer “Our Father” became the door for me which opened up new opportunities to know the world – to know it through clairaudience, through the normal state of any person who is truly aware of the world. Through the prayer I received this gift – the possibility of communication with the Spiritual World of the Cosmos, the Creator we call Sabaoth, and the Teacher Christ. All the lines that have now taken shape of the books have been written down through my love and reverence for this Teacher. And here is the first book we bring to your attention.


Yelena Novosvit

Book 3 “The New Word”

“The New Word” of The Teacher Christ is a documentary collection of messages, which are received through the telepathy channel of communication through a prayer by Yelena Novosvit.

The book is being translated from Russian by Vozduh.

I am standing in front of you behind the closed by you Door.
I suggest to you: come in!
Look at our World.
Cognize us. Our aspirations,
ideals, goals and tasks – are they close to you?
If yes, so this Door is yours.
It will open to you a new Path,
a right Way, it will allow you to see everything in a different way,
to believe sincerely and through the heart,
to be in the conditions of love and bliss,
to cognize the higher aspirations,
to realize the plurality of the world.
And, the most important, I opening to you a Door to the Father,
our Great Parent of all being,
a Path, that lead to the Highest Spheres of the Space and the
Hierarchy of the Creator.

Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. 
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, 
He will guide you into all the truth; 
for He will not speak on His own initiative, 
but whatever He hears, He will speak; 
and He will disclose to you what is to come. 
He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine
and will disclose it to you.
John 16:13-14



Our Father…

Yes, today we will be talking about the prayer, known to you, about the prayer that I suggested as a pattern for communication with Father. I want to talk about it in more details.

Our Father, Who art in haven… This is an appeal to God as to a Father, and it doesn’t imply the name, for you are here the representatives of different worlds, and your appeal to the Creator as to a Father implies your tuning to that channel, what is acceptable to your soul. While the appeal, your thoughts create a field that is possible to connect to the channel of the Creator, to His Flow of Energies. And I assure you, that the Light is stronger that the Darkness and your deliberate desire to enter the space of the Light through the love and thanksgiving, undoubtedly, forms a connection between us that by which your prayers, your thoughts will be herd by us. The appeal to the God as to a Father, will undoubtedly by thought bring the ray that will unite us.

Who art in haven, because the Father, or The God-Creator, is That, Who exercises His life in the Highest Spheres – for you it is the Celestial Spheres. It is to them, to the Highest Celestial Spheres, to The Creator of The Universe you direct your mental message. It is the compulsory clarification, it is like an address of the receiver, where it is necessary to indicate the direction of the way, for there are lots of terrestrial creatures, that wish to call themselves your “fathers”, but who operate in the lower energetic layers. Yes, The Father – The Creator – is for all of cosmic creatures of our Universe is, definitely, the Greatest Creature of the extraordinary power, who have the strength and power from the First Principle, from the Core of the Universe – The Supreme Intelligence.

Hallowed be Thy Name… We are talking about the holiness of the God’s name. Your transcriptions and adaptations doesn’t provide you with an ability to cognize the true name of the Creator, but the notion itself as a certain symbol that is enclosed in the notion “God” is possible to keep in one’s soul in purity. The Name of the God, as well as the notion itself that is enclosed into this Word, should be a certain sanctity in your heart, in your soul, a certain hearth of the Light, let up in your soul. It is there this sacrament is fulfilled – the connection with the Highest Divine Substance. And it happens through the heart, through the sincere and the genuine flows of a soul. A soul strives to its Source, to the true cognition of all the essences of things, and your recognition of the God as a Father contributes to this, recognition of His will as the highest indicator in life.

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven… This is one of the main affirmations, which is more clear to us – those who live in the Higher Celestial Realms – and less open for understanding to you, for we totally accept the Will of our Father as the fundamental Law, which organize our life. This Will is a visible to us aspiration to the good of all the worlds of the Galaxy and the Universe. We have an ability to personally observe the actions of our Father, we are entirely rely on His Strength, Power, directed into the creation of the Universe. His will is the main engine of all the action for the good, and we wish that your world would also acquire with its development this conscious desire – to live by the Will of our Father, for this Way will bring you only the changes to the good, will stabilize all the true and will relieve from all the extraneous, introduced not for the good, not for the development. To recognize the Will of our Father – it means to urge the genuine Light, that will dissolve and swallow the Darkness, and this is your task and your goal, for it is in this free manifestation enclosed the opportunity to change here everything for the good, for the good of living and in the name of your development and the motion ahead along the evolution ladder. 

Your desire can bring this moment closer, the moment of entry into the work in the name of a good cause – an approximation of the Golden Age of the humanity here. And so be it! For no matter how many plans, programs of changes on the Earth are created now by the different forces with the different goals – your planet will manage to enter the new space of the New Time. And will chose the right Way and the right direction, for the Spiritual World is strong, but never exercise his power and do not use as a weapon its possession of the psyche energy that can bring a lot here into a motion and to changes in a more short terms. No! We do not use the methods of the forces of an opposite side. We do not follow the way of violence and imposition of our will and our ideas. We wish through our efforts and your support to have the gradual changes for the good through the development of the consciousness. It is not a violence it is a free acceptance of a New Way for the development of the terrestrial humanity. And the acceptance as a primary will – the Will of our Father, and this is a first step for the realization of the changes for the good of the Mother-Earth. As more those who conscious of this need the closer this moment is, the moment of laying a new basis – a single faith in a Single God-Creator.

This is our task – to bring to the unity all the humanity, to give him a chance to cognize the marvelous life in Harmony with the world of Space – the world of order. This program was developed in the centuries, its goal – to reunite the scattered and thus to recover the unity of a mankind through a single faith in the Creator. And it will definitely happen, possibly by the earthy standards not so soon, but by the cosmic we already see our program in action. So far, you receive only the first grains. Which ground it will get to – it depends on you. We hope, that there will be grains that will manage to germinate and will not let themselves to be destroyed by the birds, winds and tares. This is the most critical moment, and a lot depends on the sower, for the conscious work will bring the conscious fruits. And we will be recognized by the fruits. 
Now it is important to lay in oneself, in one’s soul, all the said in the New Testament and to move further, to the free development of the new humanity.

Teacher Christ

Give us this day our daily bread…

Our daily bread… What is meant here? Bread as a basis of being – it is a bread for the maintaining of a physical body and the bread as a spiritual food. It is important to believe in the fact that the daily bread as a spiritual and material food is necessary for everyone who live here, on the Earth, for you are not only this body, you are Spirits. And therefore in this connection the food is necessary in the two dimensions: material and the spiritual.

Spiritual food – it is a necessary condition for the development of the Spirit, as well as the material – for the body. With the absence of one of those the development will not flow harmoniously for the given personality. And thus your requests and wishes during the prayer form the process of setting and the affirmation in the achievement of the desired. Your requests – are not a humiliated petition to give you something but the statement that is necessary to your inner Essence for the work on yourself. It is necessary to your soul – to give it the way for the implementation of the intended, and with your own words and especially with the thoughts you form the direction to the development. The development for a soul is truly necessary. And the words of the prayer are the call and the statement for the desired. The desire to receive the daily bread this day, with the conscious understanding of this phrase, gives you the inner setting for the development of the body and Spirit.

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us… The request about the forgiveness is an important point for the work on oneself, for the recognition and the awareness initially of the own mistakes is our debts, that need to be surrendered, to be worked out. It is important, while working on oneself, to control all your actions and thoughts, detecting the “debts” – something, that had to be done in a different way, and now, having rethought it, it is important to recognize the wrong behavior and through this recognition to conduct the work on oneself. Such a work implies also the understanding of others. The own reevaluation of its behavior and identification of one’s own defects in behavior makes it available to you to accept and to forgive others related to you individuals.

In the moment of the acceptance of the truth: do not do to the others something you wouldn’t wish to yourself – the formation of the soul occurs. It is necessary to seek it, it is important to wish it – the formation of the ones soul on the spiritual foundations, implying the high sense of the responsibility to oneself and the surroundings. This can happen through the moment of the forgiveness and repentance, for this is already a level for the soul, the motion upward. And this motion implies the deliverance from many negative layering. First of all, from the increased self-esteem and the pride, from the desire to see only the flaws in the behavior of the others and the reluctance to see the own. The process of the conscious work on oneself can begin with the statement: judge not, that you be not judged, for the forgiveness is tightly bound with not-judgment. By judging outers you can-not see your behavior in the genuine light. It is a Way I am guiding you at. And it is a Way that lead to the harmonization of the energies inside of you, to the alignment of the field. The Way, targeted at the development of the Spirit and bringing all your energies inside of you into the harmonious equilibrium, into norm. This is not an easy process, but still available to every human with his conscious desire. And the prayer contributes to this process.

Don’t accept the words of the prayer as the begging of a sinful slave from the owner. Accept the prayer as the statement, necessary for the development, also necessary to us, for only through your sincere request-prayer we have an ability for the inclusion into your life. And, opening to you a way, a green traffic light, into the side where all of your thoughts are aimed at, without knowing it, or better to say, having not received the invitation for your provision with the necessary help, we have no right to intrude into your life. Only with your conscious desire to receive our help and support. And thus – ask and it will be given to you, knock and it will open to you. Seek and you will certainly find what you are looking for.

So be it!
Teacher Christ

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…

Temptations – what it understood by this in a given context? Temptations – this moment includes a manifestation of one’s own will for the deliberate choice. Temptations usually come from the terrestrial aspirations of a human, through his personal relationships with the earthly world. Your world provides you with many benefits in the form of the material manifestations. These benefits and the aspirations for its obtainment can become the deliberate goal of a life, for it is visible to you wealth and the visible manifestation of the good from it for an existence. The wealth of a soul in this case remain non-accumulated, for these wealth remains invisible to you and for the majority – hidden and therefore doesn’t become here that main purpose of a life. The temptations – it is a necessary moment for the determination of the right choice. Every soul in the Material world is a subject for temptations that goes as you say from the evil one. Who do you have in mind? And why lead us not into temptation if the temptations help to make the right choice for a soul and to establish the right direction in its Way?

The evil one, the slyness – it is something that is hidden by the mask, that is not true and sincere and with the use of different techniques tries to lead you from the right Way. It is too many of these untrue manifestations amongst you, in this world. There are many forces exist that lead you aside from the Truth with the use of again the beautiful words, the deliberate sophistication, for they use with it the different wiles of the mind. Offer to you different abstract concepts that mislead you into the games of the Material World with the World of Energies.

How to understand everything for a non-mature soul that has no the big developments in the field of a Spirit? How to separate the wheat from the chaff? Very difficult. It is indeed a difficult test for the majority of the souls. And such tests do not happen by the will of Creator for the development of your Spirit with your conscious desire, but from the evil one – from the one who is not sincere with you, who wishes to substitute the true concepts of this world by those that he will use for the accomplishment of his goal. There are many like it. Now a lot of evil ones. It is important to identify them. And it is important to show them, that there is a Force that can reveal all their slyness. Those trials and temptations that come from them are different to those I endured during the times in the desert. For I came to it deliberately for the manifestation of myself and my Essence. And these temptations are different – they come from the slyness, from the introduced from the outside. Not for the development of a soul they come, but rather only to the soul to be caught in a net, tangled, and changed its life to its own detriment. There are many of those that were caught in these nets that have lost landmarks in life, that go down, getting lower and lost communication with God, the Creator. From this perilous road, from all such temptations coming from the evil ones, those who knowingly has this goal to take you away from the Path – The Roads that lead into the World of Light, to the Creator – for you, I asked God as the Father, I asked to save you, to take you away from the lies and slyness because for a true understanding of what is happening, what is offered to you, where you are led to, you need to have a spiritual core and the clean vessel of the soul, which does not allow any unclean invasion, because it is already filled with the purity, the Clear Light of Creator, the clean energy from First Principle. And it provides with an ability of the correct recognition of everything what happens on one’s Way.

There are not many of incarnated who managed to save the pure vessel of a soul, and they have marvelous opportunity to work through the heart, through their soul, developing all the best in themselves, they learn to correctly distinguish between temptations from the evil one and the temptations that are necessary for the manifestation of the Spirit inside, of one’s Essence. The temptations that are necessary to the Spirit for the manifestation of its Essence are sent to you at your inner prayer or request as a gift for the disclosure of all hidden inside of you, for the detection, through a hard work on yourself, of all the hidden potential that is eager to open up. This is a moment of a genuine cognition of himself. It is this disclosure with your conscious will is important to crave, important to desire. 

I wish that you feel deeply the difference between these two concepts, between your desire to manifest yourself and the temptations from the evil one. Only your setting on the development, on the acceptance of the higher criteria in the assessment of their own behavior and consequently of who and what suggests to you, will show you the right Way. It is enough to establish in your soul a right indicator – and a lot will manifest. Be attentive, for in your time the broad network presupposing the many traps on the each step is open to you, and it is the temptations from the evil one. 

Do not lead yourself into these trespasses, for a lot depends on you. Your request for the protection is undoubtedly activate it. And do not believe those who say that your prayers are not hearable to us for you are isolated from God, from the Light Forces. No! Those who wish it, to cut you off the Light Forces and suggest you to follow this way. By the way of the fear, nonbelieving and the refusing of all the light and true. The Pure Light, emanations of God, will always penetrate any space, for the Light is always stronger than the Darkness. Remember this, do not allow to frighten yourself by the bottom creatures, that breaks out from the astral. Believe, that The Spiritual World of the Universe is with you, that we desire to bring here the changes to the good. We desire to bring here the genuine concepts from the pure Source, from the Creator of the Universe.

So be it!
Teacher Christ


Blessed are the poor in spirit…

I want to talk about the world, the one you live in, the world, that has a big gradations of the human manifestations, the world, where all the possible ascensions and the descents of a soul are manifested, the world of a bliss and the rejection of life. About the world, you came in to sort out everything, first of all, in yourself, in your Essence.

The aspiration of a human is directed first of all to the obtaining of the joy and pleasure. The highest degree of these manifestations – is a bliss. What bliss I talked about, towering above all on the hill? I talked about the bliss of a Spirit, for this is a state that is possible to feel here, on Earth.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. What does this phrase imply? What is your understanding?
The Poor in Spirit – are, in my understanding, the free from the terrestrial attachments Spirits. It is not tramps that begging on the road. It is those who managed to separate or to distinguish his consciousness as a fundamental principle in man, having managed to reject all the temptations of the Material World. The Material World muffles the Voice of a Spirit in everyone living, and more and more often the demands of the flash grow louder, while Spirit, the Cosmic particle, is compelled to hide behind the created barriers in soul. For the life in the human society imposes its prints and sets its criteria and aspirations. And in accordance to these criteria usually the main goal of living is the accumulation. Life in luxury – the dream and the main target of the majority. But there are also those, who having many benefits of the material world are free in a Spirit. They have managed to distinguish inside of them the main grain, and this grain is the service, the service to the Creator, for one can-not serve two masters at the same time. Everybody has a choice, every soul – the selection of the true awareness of their immortality, or to recognize as a true value only the existence here and now in this body, recognizing as genuine one only the criteria of the Material World.

The Poor in Spirit – is a rough adaptation, but still bearing the sense manifested further: isn’t the life is more than food, and the body more than clothes? Direct your sight just to that, allow yourself to accept what is gifted to you this day for life. The birds are those who form this example for you, for their life is built upon jubilation from the sense of a freedom of their nature. The thoughts about the constant enlarging of their profits, their influence, the desire of the seizure of power and the dominance are not pursuing them. They are free, for their possessions are minimal and do not burden their thoughts. I mean that the man absorbed in his thoughts about wealth, about material savings, usually loses his connection with God, for his life fell into the network that close to him a true Sky Light, not allowing his Spirit to manifest itself and delaying the moment, when the true awareness of the Kingdom of God, which is of course inside of you. Inside you a master key that will reveal the truth to you and offer the right Path, the Way that will bring you to your Divine Source, The Kingdom of God. Yes, blessed are the poor, but I would say free Spirits, for their soul was able to separate the wheat from the chaff, was able to distinguish that main meaning, the main goal that leads the free soul to the development, to the evolution.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Is the Creator craves for a tears or tribulations of a soul? Is it a punishment – a life that is full of suffering and misery? I have already sad that no. Every human can, having gone through all the tests to remain pure and grateful to Creator for the opportunity of his Spirit manifestation, it’s power, through the different life situations. Having experienced a lot, to remain in the state of bliss – it is given only to those, who have the high spiritual potential. Its discovery, through the manifestation in the serious life situations, is their comfort, and the feeling of bliss is the remuneration. Those, who have suffered much, will receive the highest feelings of their soul, for the connection with the Spirit that otherwise couldn’t be manifested will be renewed. Blessed - that is those who will receive the highest bliss, who had to go through, experience a lot and while that do not be angry and curse God, but to accept it as a gift for its manifestation, for the ability to make an accumulation of a different composition, because those who suffered a lot mostly receive with their conscious desire the purification and the transformation of a soul. They walk away from here having made a step, and often not one, in their development. They have managed to distinguish, define and to choose the direction of their Path. Creator is not a barbarian and not a monster that sends you punishments one after another satisfying with your sufferings. You have an ability yourself, changing everything in yourself to change the world. Fill yourself with the Light, and all the dark will leave you.

And Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. The notion “meek” implies humility of a soul – it is those, who were able to bring the energies of their soul into available equilibrium. It is those, who consciously accept the Creator, believe in Him and lay all their hopes that their heart, mind and will are aspired on the alignment of all their aspirations inside with the Will of the God. What do I mean under the Will of the God? I mean that plan of your life, that canvas, that way, that has been designed for you before you came to the Earth, for there are no aimless parishes. And thus for the manifestation of this program inside it is important to be meek, accepting, that a lot on the level of the Spirit is not cognized by you, that the memory, its deeper essence sleeps inside of you not providing you with the ability to act in accordance with your developments. It has been done for all of you who live here to be in the equal positions, that you could have the equal abilities not creating the priorities for oneself by its incarnations. You return in life in a new quality, but with the former developments. Everything in you. And the ability of opening its deeper memory is given to everybody, but how? Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and narrow the path leading to God.

You have been given an opportunity of the free development according to the Law of Free Will. Soul must work instead of looking for the easy ways. You are able to your disclosure. You are able to your cognition. You are able to cognize what was inherited by your soul – and this is your Spirit, with all his manifestations and accumulations through the embodiments in the physical body. Your heritage – is your potential of a Spirit. Most of it came through the physical incarnations, through the marriage of the Sky – the Divine substance – and the Earth – the biological structure. You are able to receive this maximal heritage, having become meek and having listened to the Voice of the Sky, the Voice of God within you.

You are all in an equal position. And the High Spirit that is the Light to this world, can also be a transmitter of the Pure Energies of the Creator. It is they will inherit the Earth in the upcoming era, that will bring the bliss to the meek for their humble desire to listen the Voice of God having transformed all inside for this.

So be it!
Teacher Christ


Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God

Pure in heart – this notion is familiar to you, for it is a heart that came through the purification. The heart – is, figuratively speaking, the main generator, it is where the main is concentrated – it is the location of your Divine particle. And it is on the level of a heart this unique inclusion exists. This is a location of the enclosed in you Cosmic Spirit. Thus, all the experiences, all the fillings take place at the level of a heart for the manifestation of enclosed in you. I talk about the physical and spiritual heart. Is it possible to distinguish these notions? Is it possible to come to the awareness that the spiritual heart is necessary to be cleaned?

The purity, and I am talking about the spiritual notion, is associated with the Light, for the Light of the Creator – is a Flow of a radiant purity, it is a Flow, that is capable to renew, to transform a soul, to transfigure it. For this condition it is necessary to deny from yourself all the rough and fill yourself with the Pure Light of the Creator. The Energies of the Creator can only freely circulate in you when your heart, the spiritual heart, is capable to receive this Flow, and your physical heart is ready to stand it, for the Flow of the Creator – is an energies of a special frequency, it is an ultrafrequency level. And this Flow in a pure form is destructive for the biological structure. 

We have a body of a special structure, it is composed of plasma, of a special type of plasma that can hold and pass through it the energies of an immense power. I will say, that the communication with me directly in my current state is also unsecure for the biological structure. For the communication I search for the pure in heart, filled with the Pure Light of the Creator. Only this kind of heart will stand the direct contact, or the communication directly, for they have prepared their physical body, and first of all the heart through their purity, through their definite, balanced combination of energies for the communication with me and God, The Creator. It is possible for everyone to come to this state, but it is necessary to remember, that the purification – is a gradual process, it is a kind of a sacrament, which occurs inside of you with your conscious desire.

Do you thirst for the communication with the Spiritual World? Do you thirst to fill yourself with the Pure Light of the Creator? If yes, so you are on the Way to it. Your aspiration is already suggests the realization of it. The vessel of your heart will be filled with what you will lay there. You are – those who have an opportunity to change a lot in yourself. You are – those who can fill the vessel of your heart, for you have an ability to choose the source. 

The pure spring, is usually, not in the plain sight. To receive the crystal clear water, it is necessary to make a Way, to apply the efforts and perseverance for the goal achievement. To get rid of the laziness, indifference, vegetating calm and get out on the Road. Perhaps many will be left behind, many will descend from the Road, many will be satisfied with the ordinary water of rivers, lakes or even slack water. But you are – those who see the goal clearly. You will come to the wonderful place – the Pure Source, gifting you the extraordinary taste of the pristine purity. From this, from this Source, you will fill your spiritual heart. Its vessel will be a truly beautiful. It will be filled with the unusual strength, capable to transform, to transfigure everything in it. You will receive the genuine purification, and henceforth our hearts will beat in unison. You will be able to feel The Creator, the different vision will be opened in you. You will be able to see something that was invisible and unknown to you before. Truly, you are able to do it. You are capable of the harmonious transformation of your Essence. You are able to see the goal clearly and to consciously strive to it. You are able to control the filling of the vessel of your soul, for you strive for the development and the perfection. You strive for the connection with The Creator, for the Primary Source, for our Parent.

Be perfect, as our Father in Heavens perfect!

So be it!
Teacher Christ

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God

The peacemakers – the peace creators – it is the highest level of the service to Creator, for the peace – it is the basis, the foundation, your world your living space is based on.

To make peace on Earth is the highest program of the Missioners, is the highest service. The World of Earth is in a condition, when for the stabilization, for the equilibration of all the energies that operate here, on Earth, the help of the peacemakers is necessary, for the Creator controls the processes that occur here, on Earth, and in time incorporates into work the necessary in this timeframe Spirits.

The High Spirits come here in accordance with the Creator’s programme in the name of the recovery of the Universal Laws here, that came into the oblivion or roughly outraged. It is necessary to have a high developments for this, for this is the highest objective for those who have accepted the service.

The world of Earth is not homogeneous, there are many forces that try to capture the consciousness and minds of people, to reverse their spiritual Path of development. These forces are usually influence the human weaknesses. They lead away the majority into the way of indulgence and permissiveness, using the influence on the lower energetic centres. By building up such emotions you will not become better, and your developments will belong to the lowest energetic egregore. It leads you away from the purpose of your arrival, from the conscious perception of the world, from its cognition.

The human mind is arranged in a way that the leader is necessary, for often the majority of driven need a pure conductor, the herald of the new ideas. The river of life needs purification and the renovation of its flow from the Pure Spring. Namely such is the goal of peacemakers, which come to the Earth in the role of, so to say, catalyst, the purifier of the Flow. Namely due to such a service your world still exist, for with the great efforts, but the process of renovation is going, the process of the creation and the establishment of the moralities, that the new foundation of the new outlook of the new humanity will be built on. There are those who actively, and who passively engaged into the process of the world creation, being a conductors of a Pure Energies of the Creator. And this task of the active creation is only within the ability by those, who are the Spiritual Warriors, in whom such qualities as will, perseverance and the impregnability in the purpose achievement are developed. The manifestation of a special power that gives them the immense opportunities for the goal achievement is the manifestation of the Creator’s Power.

Why does the Earth have a limited number of such examples and unlimited manifestation of the forces of a different side? Only because, that the majority of living superficially accept this world, refusing much knowledge and the cognition of themselves and their Essence, but accept the position of a weak, let themselves to be led into the world of the sensible satisfactions and temptations of the World of Matter. This is usually used by those, who came here to play on the human weaknesses. The position of the peacemaker requires a large Force of the Spirit and its manifestation, the giving it away to the world. This is hardly compatible with the basic position of this world that receives the life for fun as a basic condition. The moment of the force detection implies the giving away of all accumulated – it is the complete dedication, which is often rejected due to misunderstanding by the living. All the new from the positions of the Spiritual World makes its way very hard, for the ignorance and misunderstanding puts barriers that do not allow the conceived to be realized. And thus the peacemakers – are those who have managed to define in their lives, managed to identify their role and to come to the conscious service to The Creator for the good of the Earth, humanity and the Universe.

Our worlds are interconnected. You exercise the life through the Energy of Life of the Creator, Who has brought it to all living. We protect the World of the Universe from the purely destructive energies that flow from this planet into the outer space. Our Missioners are the peacemakers, are those who came here for the establishment of the harmonious equilibrium, for the stabilisation of energies, for the burning out all the malicious, all not giving the good with their Light, with their inner Light. Truly, they are the true children of our Heavenly Father, for they managed to distinguish the Will of the One who sent them with this incredibly difficult and responsible mission from the Father in Heavens. 

So be it!
Teacher Christ

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Persecuted because of righteousness – who are they? Who are the true Word bearers? It is the Missioners of the Spiritual World and they come to this world for the renovation of the Flow, for all the new, bearing the true, right notions is the subject to ridicule by the living. 

It is hard to talk about the Truth and the genuine notions with those who don’t want to listen, for only the one who strengthened to a state of hearing, can hear the Truth. To tell about the opening of the vision and hearing to those who doesn’t think about it is absurdly. And thus, only the Children of God, those, who came here with the high spiritual developments are able to the open acceptance of the new truths.

The new? But the Truth is always one. So why it is needed to be renewed? First of all, because the humanity follows its Path of development. To explain the baby something that he is unable to understand is at least unwise. There are moments, when a certain stage of development takes place, and it defines the readiness for the acceptance of the part from the genuine notions. The moment of a mankind’s readiness is determined by the Creator and the necessary knowledge and notions come to the Earth through the incarnations of the Missionaries.

The Time Flow, or the era, defines the degree of possible disclosure. The language and terms are also conditioned by time. For living at that time, the language of parables and analogies was the most appropriate one. In your time, your development implies the conversation in a different way, for you have grown up, learned a lot and comprehended a lot. The notions of energies, fields, leptons, neutrino are available for your perception. The diversity of the world is purely visible to you as well as the differences between living are visible. And thus, the picture of the Creation, the structure of the Universe, the composition of our Galaxy can be taught to you in a different way, close to the genuine notions. You will manage to take everything in a different way. For living in the bible time such a conversation would be awkward, though truthful. 

The Truth comes to the Earth in the determined moment for this. The moment, defining the readiness of the mass consciousness for the perception. But despite the certain readiness, the New Word’s bearers, the bearers of the true, renewed notions are usually persecuted due to the fear of the spread of the New Energies through the New Word, and destroyed. All the new is accepted by the living with difficulties, for many frauds exist and to distinguish the true work behind it is hard. It is necessary to understand the intricacies. It is necessary to have knowledge. In addition to this, the efforts must be taken, but humanity in most of the cases chose the easy ways of the least resistance and the submission to the will of the majority.

Yes, there is safety in numbers. But before fighting, take thought about the peace and about a harmonization of your peaceful pulsebeat with others. Yes, there is safety in numbers, but in the matter of restoring peace and its true basics even the one voice filled with the wisdom and purity will manage to change a lot, for such a voice acting here on Earth, for the good of mankind, is always filled with the power of the Creator, with His Energy.

The Energy of the Creator – it is something our World, in your interpretation the Kingdom of Heaven, is filled with. The Kingdom of Heaven is inside of you. Through the energetic substance of your soul you have a deep connection with the Father and with our World. By defining your role and the deliberate service you become the bearer of the New Word from the New Flow. You become the one who is the conductor of the Pure Energies of the Creator through the new knowledge, that broadening the borders of your learning and approach you to the Truth. And thus I told that the Truth is one, but is manifested here by the many. To come to the Truth – is our goal. You are on this Way.

The perception of your Way by the different people can be different, but you have all the feelings in the development. You have the faith and the will that is aimed at the goal achievement. This Way is not for the weak and not for those who seek the easy ways in life. This way is for the strong in Spirit, those, who have in their souls an unfading flame of love to the Creator. And they are to enter the Kingdom of Heaven!

So be it!
Teacher Christ

Pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

With this known to you words I want to continue our conversation about the prayer. I talked about the prayer before. I talked about the prayer of heart, the heart’s prayer, when the words are unnecessary, for this is the tune of a soul for the highest vibrations, for the connection with the Father in a Single Flow. It is the highest level of communication with the invisible world. It is a work on a spiritual level. It is the switching-on of your Divine particle which begins its awakening namely on such a high frequency, on a super-subtle level. Namely to this kind of connection I urged you. I urged you to the development of your abilities, to the development of your intuition, to the connection with us on the heart’s level. This is a unique moment, it is a sacrament of a soul, for everything what happens inside of you, is necessary only to you. 

In order to your energies and thus vibrations to be purified it is necessary to learn entering into the state of prayer contemplation, where you give away through your inner impulse, impulse of a soul, all the best to God as the Father connecting with Him in a single point. The energy exchange presupposes the initial giving and then in return to given follows the acceptance, the replenishment of given. Namely with this principle happens the purification of waste energies and its replenishment from the Pure Flow of the Creator. And a prayer helps it. And the prayer – is not a histrionic ritual that is necessary to the old ladies in churches. It is an ability of entrance into the Pure Flow of Energies, it is an ability of purifying, renewal of your energy potential, it is a spiritual food, without one the life in Spirit freezes, for there is no fresh inflow of New Energies of the Creator.

I am talking about the higher prayer – the heart’s one. However, numeral tried and tasted prayers exist which also help entering the Flow of the Creator. And I know that some of you prefer to express their feelings through a word, for the habit contributes to it. Such Flow is much weaker but it is easier to enter it, because for many people the imaginative perception through the word is important – it is easier to comprehend what is happening, easier to reveal your brain from the outside, daily thoughts, it is easier to control and to fix the process. Perhaps, for the comprehension of this process necessity, as the initial stage – it is necessary, but later a soul cannot thirst for the habit, for the prayer – it is a constantly renewing sacrament, it is a talk of two close souls. Is it possible to constantly repeat the same?

Conversation – is not a monotonous, stuck record which you played on demand and forgot till the next necessity. No! Conversation – it is first of all, the opening of the heart, the opening of your soul, and it is always different for the state of a soul is a subject to constant changes and the similar changes occurs with your conversation with the Father. But initially – do not be afraid of being generous. Do not be afraid of being kind. Do not be afraid of gifting all the best from your heart. Do not be afraid to thank. Only with such a sincere opening the connection with us occurs. All the untrue, factitious, farfetched, not yours – let it go from your daily life, let your true Essence to be manifested, your Divine particle. Let yourself to open up! Your Father hears you and He hears you on the heart’s frequency, for He is in you. Through your opened and relieved divine particle, the thread will be outstretched which will connect you to the shining point in the boundless outer space. It is Our Father – you can imagine Him as a Sun, because for you He is the Spiritual Sun, the Light – the Pure Energy for your Spirit. He is – the one who gifted you with the Divine particle of your soul and thus opened the road for you for the immortality. For Him many circumstances of your life are understandable, there are no age criteria – there is only your pure aspiration to communication, coming through your Love, through your open heart.

So be it!
Teacher Christ

Parables and analogies

Parables and analogies – it is the most acceptable way of expression of the necessary thoughts, for the most powerful influence, for the explanation on the level of everyday analogies. Such a form of communication is the most correct in a place where the explanation with the use of another language or another phrases would be twisted and complicated. One should speak the language you can be understood with. 

Now is the time when it is possible to apply the language of knowledge, the language of science, to use physical and scientific terms. The language of parables and analogies in the current time is only partly applicable, for you have stepped forward, you understand that the energy exist, that it is invisible to you but produces the maximum action, that the World of Energies exist. I have no reason to explain these concepts to you with the use of parables, for this conversation would be unequal. You have stepped into the new time Flow, the advances in science and technology has broadened your opportunities, have broaden your cognition. And thus our conversation is built in a different way. I talk with you with the different language, with the language of your time, language of your era, from the position of the knowledge that you acquired, the new concepts that are clear to your understanding. 

Admit, that everything has its time. What has been said – has been said. Yes, largely it remains misunderstood. Largely it is treated incorrectly, largely researches and comments to Gospels and Bible lead not into the right way. Namely because of this I want slowly, very slowly, because initially it is important to understand who is talking with you, to give you the necessary clarifications about that doings that used to happen, about those who listened to me.

I shall say that it was impossible to speak in a different way in that time, though I had all this knowledge, but I spoke with a language that was acceptable for the majority. I have sad that Abbasu was my teacher, he spoke to people with the simple words that everybody could understand and it was a language of parables and analogies. Namely through the similar simple tails the understanding appeared and the essence, the truth crystallized that the listener himself came to. It made him think freely, to make conclusions, and wile that he understood everything himself. 

It is the strongest moment of cognition when the pupil learns to think, when the work occurs inside of him. He learns to draw conclusions. For clarifying what I am talking about I will recall the parable about the sower, which sent the grains in the wind, sowing the field. And later, every grain came into the place that was prepared to it. One grain came into the good soil. It grew accepting the Pure Light and the Energy of the Creator. Other grains had different destiny. Some fell on the rocky places and didn’t have an opportunity to germinate, others were taken away by the wind and they were dying among weeds-tares, for they didn’t have an opportunity and the free space to grow. 

Yes, the grains – is the knowledge sent to you from the Teacher. The similar destiny expects them now as well, but now I talk to people with the different level of thinking, and it is not necessary to explain them, who have developments in the Spirit field, in this way now. For your thinking is formed different. I don’t consider it necessary to talk with the language of parables and analogies just for proving my essence. I consider that now, in some moments we can communicate with the language of analogies. It is not parables, but it is also the way to allegorically express the necessary thought. For in this way the comprehension and understanding of it is more effective. 

I wish to speak with you the language of feelings and the language of knowledge. Is it possible to unite it, in your opinion? Is it possible to feel what I want to explain you about the unknown worlds? It requires trust. But it is very and very difficult to rich it, for the possibility of communication through the clairaudience is not cognized by you. You have no criteria, and your assessments are often incorrect. You judge only by what the common world outlook impose on you. And it has many distortions. For this reason, for a long time I did not dare to directly communicate with people, for the limitations in your mind are set: this is possible, and this – impossible. And these limits are necessary to extend, for another century has come, the new time Flow.

Feel the wind of change. This is the Beginning. The very Beginning. The first step. It is the hardest. Those, who will go after you – yes, will do more, but it will be easier for them. They will know who guides them and where the Road is. And you, for the present, are in the position of the grain that enters your soul, but whether it has got in a fertile or rocky soil or be blown by the wind – depends on you. It depends on what stage is in your soul: the stage of purification, stage of rejection, stage of refusing and irony or in the stage, when your purified energy field is in the condition to take the grain, sent to you by the Plowman-Teacher. It needs time to germinate, time required for the amazing shoots to appear. Our Energy, The Light of Creator will give them the necessary power for growth. These grains appeared to be sent not in a vain. It came into the fertile, in the pure souls, who freely transmit Pure Light of Creator, The New Energy of The New Epoch.

Now I send grains – the new knowledge from the positions of a new age and broadened world outlook, free from religious dogmas of earthlings. I desire to talk freely and openly in the Flow of The Creator. For the time being, this moment has not come, but it is coming. Time implies the onward movement, the movement to comprehension of the unknown, disclosure of all hidden. Let the veils subside from the truths that are covered by far-fetched delusions. The Creator is alive, He wishes to communicate with people through me. He thirsts that the true relationships reestablish between us, that we recover the genuine connection that we lost with years. 

So be the comprehension, the understanding of each other between us, and be manifested all what is hidden!

Teacher Christ

Gospel parables

There are many different interpretations, there are many differences in translations. Today I want to start the conversation about parables in order to make them more accessible for understanding. I would like you to hear these parables differently, as if I would tell it to you, sitting in your circle, talking an acceptable language for understanding.

So, the question was asked: how many times must I forgive my brother that has guilt against me? Question can be answered: forgiveness is inextricably linked with the good, compassionate soul, seeking the True Light, God-Creator. Compassionate soul knows how to forgive, for it always imbued with understanding the need and aspirations of their neighbor and wouldn’t do anything that wouldn’t wish to itself. Such is the soul that has stepped on the development Path, on the Path of world cognition and the Universal Laws realization that work here on the Earth. 

Yes, The Kingdom of Heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his debtors. What are we talking about? Who is this king who settles accounts with his debtors? I would like to hear your opinion.

So, the king, governing in The Kingdom of Heaven (I speak the common expressions for you) – is first of all, the conscience that ruling in your soul, it is the ruler, the judge that collects his due – it is you Spirit. The Kingdom of Heaven, The Kingdom of God – are the criteria and evaluations settled in your soul, it is the deep memory hidden in you that has larger experience of world cognition and knows a lot, but has no opportunity to manifest. For your soul has been given the possibility of the individual work – figuratively speaking it is the servant that works for the king, it is the soul, that creates the accumulations for the Spirit. Does the Spirit have the right to rule over the soul?

A Spirit – is the more developed energy monad that has bigger experience, bigger potential, higher development and thus the Spirit has a right to be a king in your Kingdom of Heaven. Here we talk about the energy structures that exercise its developments inside of you. So, the king – is your Spirit that rules the soul, and for all the mistakes and shortcomings in the behavior he claims from his, figuratively speaking, servant, or the less pleasant for me word that is written in your scriptures, from his slave. The servant – is the actively working in you now piece of the Devine energy that has come here for the individual development. The king – is the Spirit that governs this development and thirsts for the certain accumulations on the energy level. The king submits accounts to the servant – he had to do far more work. He has already owed ten thousands talents and with his doings he does not let the king to manifest himself, for the king constantly counts his shortcomings and debts.

Whenever will the servant have an afterlight? Whenever will he manage to pay “having sold” all preventing him from realizing himself free? The king thirsts for the payoff, for otherwise he can-not govern, that is to trealize his program in order to make his kingdom indeed the Kingdom of God. But the lord has mercy, the Spirit is merciful to his ward soul, for a lot depends on it. He thirsts only to direct the soul, having explained it all miscalculations and wrong steps. The soul, that bears responsibility with its conscious that comes from its higher governing Beginning – the Spirit, receives absolution, the forgiveness of debts through the realization of its wrong actions. It receives the opportunity for the further individual free development, individual work on itself. And the most important – is to correctly realize experiences and to manage to step on the True Path.

But what does the servant produce? Having found, having received freedom for the further development, for the work on himself, he starts justifying himself, searching for the similar defects and miscalculations in his fellows behavior – there is someone else to be asked. He follows the false way and accepts the role of the king and the judge. Then he remembers that he is not alone who commits such defects and miscalculations. Let the one who owes me pay his debts first, and then I will pay to my lord. 

What happens with the servant with such a behavior, or with the soul at the Energy World level? First of all, what the servant shows means – he did not understand anything and didn't accept the higher forgiveness of his king. He has stepped on the path that turns his development back. He went trough unforgiveness, self justification and offence against the righteous judgment. Yes, he owes a lot, worked bad and little, has wasted all the accumulated, but he is not alone in that, there are those who behave themselves in a similar way and owe him. With such thinking the feelings appear that does not contribute to the higher merits manifestations – it is pride, offence, reluctance to correctly grasp the deed, but the contrary – desire to constantly justify himself and his incorrect steps. This path leads to such a negative accumulations that the king has to give servant to “maulers”, until he gives him back all the debt.

In the same way our Father in Heaven acts with you, if you couldn’t choose the right Way, if you follow the way of self justification and assuming the role of the judge and king, if you didn’t manage to mercifully forgive, for while forgiving you become free on an energy level. While forgiving you stop the energy dependency and have an opportunity to freely choose the further direction of your Way. And this Way presupposes first of all the work that will create positive accumulations and the “profit” for the king, that will bring you through this development into the Spiritual World of Cosmos, to the Creator of The Universe, to the work in the Higher Spheres and the Hierarchy of The Creator.

So be it!
Teacher Christ


Parable of the Ten Virgins

Today let’s talk about known to you parable of the Ten Virgins. I consider that this narration is known to you and thus I will talk about it straightway, without retelling the content. 

Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. What does it imply? I would want you to think, to ponder and bring out your own associations. In this parable the more sense is laid, not yet cognized by the Scripture interpreters. I will talk about the true sense, from the position of today’s world understanding. 

So, the Kingdom of Heaven – is truly the Kingdom of Heaven, the Spiritual world. I have said that the Spiritual Worlds have the differences. There is the Spiritual World, or in your interpretation the Kingdom of Heaven, where those who managed to lift themselves due to their accumulations on the Spirit level to the Higher Spheres, to the Creator of the Universe. There are manifested worlds that have consciously chosen the Path of spiritual development. Hence, the Kingdom of Heaven will be comparable to ten virgins. Who are these ten virgins? What are we talking about? Why five of them are wise and clever and the rest five – foolish? I think that you understand this is allegorically and you do not seek the associations with the certain individuals of a female gender. No, here the World of Energies is implied that has its implementation here. Can the energies be wise and foolish? No, of course, but the actions that it produce can have exactly these consequences.

Yes, the energies that come from the Kingdom of Heaven, or the World of Energies can be directed to the good, to the acquiring of a new wisdom, to the creation. Such energies come to the Earth through the embodiments of the High Spirits that have enough “oil” in their lamp. They come for the fulfillment of certain job. In this context – it is the meeting of the “groom”, it is the space preparation for coming of the New Missioner of God. Those who have come here from the Spiritual World are subject to existing here the Law of Free Will. They have an opportunity to give away their life to service for the great goal, having received with this a higher intelligence, wisdom in form of a great potential of energy, or, figuratively speaking –“oil”. Or the contrary - yes, to follow the way but without the necessary dedication. Such virgins have minimum accumulations, for even though they want to meet the “groom” and follow the Path but do not manifest the intelligence with this, but the contrary – waist their energy for an empty acts and many far-fetched problems. 

A human that have consciously stepped on the Path of service can-not have misunderstanding of what is happening. He follows towards the goal that he sees clearly. He manifest diligence, and through this diligence the higher intelligence, wisdom comes to him. His “lamp” is full with the “oil”, the pure energy that will be enough for the necessary actions for the good.

So, the service is not the same. There are many of those who have stepped on the Path of service but who failed to clearly see the goal and consciously aspire to it. Yes, they go and they have “lamps” but no “oil” in the form of higher accumulations, in form of purity of all the thoughts and actions. Now there are quite a lot of suchlike unwise who have figuratively speaking went down to meet the bridegroom. There is also a sufficient amount of those who have no “oil in lamp” but already go to the “wedding feast” towards the bridegroom. But how do they go? Or in the darkness at hazard or they will have to go back to acquire wisdom, the necessary energy for work. The time destinated for the true service, for the work, will be lost and their accumulations will not give them this opportunity. I talk about those who cover themselves with my name, create various religious meetings for the acquisition of primarily their own authority, for satisfying their own ambitions. They do not see the goal. They dance, happily sing, sing about God, go to meet the Messiah, new Christ, but their “lamp” has no “oil”, for the accumulations are wasting and there is no access to the Source where the “oil” is. And their service is similar to the unwise virgins that go in darkness, half-light, and their goal is further and further from them. They will have to return for the “oil”, to the Pure Source, to the true God that needs only genuine, pure love coming from the heart – not the laud words and wordy prayers, noise, songs dance of the crowd. No, I am not against fun, dance, songs. I only want to say that worship of the Father is a sacrament and it occurs in silence, when suddenly you begin to hear your voice, that softly says a prayer, tells a prayer to his Father.

Now, a lot is manifested before you, many directions of Christianity that have different basis beneath. There is a quiet service, it leads to the understanding of the world, to opening of a new mind, wherein your accumulations on an energy level will allow you to meet the “groom”. Will also allow the “groom” to recognize you. There are those who follow the Path with you, but they lack understanding, lack wisdom because they waist their “oil”. They have wasted all accumulated, all that they’ve acquired and now go in the dark. For them the Path will be difficult and the most important the “groom” will not recognize them.

The point – is that many of you think that the more they attend different gatherings with all kind directions, and sometimes clearly opposite, the more wise they become and obtain accumulations for a Spirit. Alas, no! Just the opposite. You lose energy, for it is qualitatively different energy that in most of the cases is incompatible and with this does not accumulate but waists, waists with the manifestations of other energies. Impossible to grasp the immensity. Possible only to search for the right direction, and the most important – to make the right choice, conscious, thoughtful selection and to follow the chosen Path.

Everyone has his own Path, as well as the choice. You can follow the Path of wise virgins, choosing conscious service and accumulating the energy for the visible goal. You may follow the Path of unwise virgins, wasting, even while following the Path, your energy into different directions, but while this you follow the Path unconsciously, blindfold and your “lamp” will not kindle in the right time, for it will lack “oil”.

Teacher Christ


Parable of the Great Banquet

Lets recall it, its content, there are several variants of the narration of this parable, I shall tell it to you in a way I would say it to you.

The Kingdom of God is like a human – a king that called his close friends for a banquet but received a rejection from each of them. But the banquet is already scheduled, it will happen irrespectively of whether the invited will arrive. But the neglect of the invited by the Master’s call brings him to the decision to invite to the banquet those who don’t even think about this banquet.

Banquet was held. Good and bad came there, all those who responded the king having heard the call. All who came received a special distinction, the clothing of the Master as a sign of his distinction, but there were also those who entered without it. The Master, having recognized one man who sited without the special clothes decided to draw his attention to the necessary condition – presence of special clothing. But the man kept silence. Then the Master ordered to throw him out in the outer darkness, for many are called but few are chosen. 

What are we talking about? First of all, that Kingdom of Heaven sends those, who come here of one’s own particular choise for the performance of work. And it is those, who will afterwards be called by the king to the banquet, to the feast, where those who are called gather. The Kingdom of Heaven, the Spiritual World of Cosmos, sends, sends down certain essences for the fulfillment of a program. However, the Law of Free Will brings about changes in actions and thoughts concerning the planned work.

You live in a free living space. You make your plans yourself. You allow or not allow this possibility to be realized, for the envisaged to be implemented. You chose your Way. You can accept or not accept the program of Creator, then you refuse the invitation to the fest as well. What this invitation is? What kind of feast we are talking about? The wedding banquet, the feast – is a culmination of all our plans. It is the moment when the planned will be fulfilled, when the predestinated will be realized, when the Earth comes into its greatest era – The Era of Prosperity, The Golden Age of humanity. It is this will be felt by us as the wedding banquet, the feast, the great triumph of humanity, combined in marriage, in its unity with the Spiritual World, recognizing it.

The triumph, the wedding feast – is a populous action of familiar, close to the master people. Above all for those, who approximated this banquet, helping with many actions, wishing to share happiness with the king. But again, to grasp or to recognize the new that is approaching, the call that comes from the king, and in this context I will say – from the God, through the heart is not available to everybody. Many friends of a King – the missioners of God – refuse this call, the invitation to the banquet. It is not everybody can stay pure and faithful to the Spiritual world, even if you came from the Higher Spheres. The World of Matter beckons, attracts many souls, the World of Matter establish itself in a different way. World of Matter has the ability to absorb so much that many of High Missioners do not see, do not want to see, refuse to listen on the level of a heart. It happens pretty often, and you can give enough examples yourself, when the highly spiritual people start losing the landmarks and go away from the goal. They transfer the spiritual values into equivalent material ones, thus justifying their greed, turning their heart into ossified.

The spiritual values can-not be sold on the fairs, lectures, lessons. They are not equal to material values. It cannot be weight in scales and set the price. The weight and price of the spiritual values are set in your soul, in your heart, for it is the grasp price for the one who bestows it to you. Namely bestows, for the spiritual values, the knowledge of the Spiritual World are the highest gift to the one who understands it, who stayed pure in his soul, who has managed to overcome the temptations of the Material World and stayed faithful to his Spiritual Element. It is they will be those who will be granted this opportunity to make the leap, the breakthrough in their conscious and to hear the call to the banquet, to the triumph. 

Yes, many are called but few are chosen. All will be called. Everyone will be given a chance to know directly or indirectly about the banquet, the feast that is coming. Fear to be in the number of unbelievers, doubtful, afraid, those who have no interest to anything, afraid of all the new. I don’t even talk about those who neglect, judge, defames all the new. They are, unfortunately the majority, for the humanity lives according to the imposed to it society principles. The new thinking, the new knowledge can-not clove here, for the souls are bound like with chains with the imposed dogmas. 

Become free! Your soul, like a bird in a stuffy cage, languish from the bondage and inconveniences, languish and yearns for freedom. Open the door to her! And you will see how your free soul spread the wings and fly. You will feel everything different for you will see the fly of your soul in the heavenly heights. The feelings of happiness, of flight – are the feelings of the free soul. These are the feelings of bliss. These are the feelings of those who will come to the wedding banquet, to the feast. And these are the feelings of the chosen, those who managed to see the marvelous flight of its soul, who managed to lift up, rise through its purity, purity of all the thoughts and acts. Feel yourself invited! Perceive yourself chosen, for your chosenness consists of releasing yourself from the bounds of closed consciounce, having provided your soul with the freedom for development, for cognition of this world from the bird’s-eye, from the Pure Spheres of the Creator, God through your unity with Him.

Remember about our unity. Seek yourself a treasure not on the Earth and then you will be given the greatest gift – the feeling yourself of being chosen by God, chosen for a work, for the actions for good of Mother-Earth, humanity and the Universe.

So be it!
Teacher Christ

The Parable of the inheritance


I will continue the conversation about the parables - the Gospel parables. I would like you to hear them in a new way, so that their understanding has made my teaching available to you in a new light of changed concepts. Yes, we will talk about the known to you parable of the inheritance. Its content, I think, you know, but still, I will remind it.


So, one Lord had workers, and traveling to a distant country, he gathered the workers and ordered them to manage the estate during his absence. And to one he gave five talents as a money units, to another - two, to the third - one - to everyone according to his abilities. The one who got five talents went and began to work with them, wondering how to increase their number in an honest way. The one who received two, he also went in after him, in his way, and was able to honestly earn two more. The one who received one talent was so fearful that preferred to preserve, to hide his talent, bury it into the ground, because the fear to do wrong was higher than the desire to follow the path of the first two employees.


But the time came close when the Lord returned. He wants to know how the employees managed his legacy, how they controlled his estate. The first employee told about his work, how he managed a legacy to the good. He multiplied the obtained by his work and presented his Lord five more talents of income. Another worker showed that he followed the same path and multiplied the obtained by presenting two more talents of income to the Lord. The Lord turned his sight to the next. However, the one who received one talent said that he was afraid to follow the first two. He preferred to wait for his Lord in idleness, for a fear of what he could do wrong was to him above all. After hearing everybody, the Lord judged everyone on merit, saying that the first two - hardworking and loyal employees who seek to expand their capabilities, who work on what was granted to them. They are a joy to the Lord. A third worker, having only a fear in his heart which prevents him from thinking and evolving - he buried his talent in the ground and conceived only anger of his Lord for his laziness and negligence.


What is it about? I think this parable is the easiest for understanding and everyone got its comprehension, but I will still give my explanations.


The Lord - this I think no one doubts, it is the One, Who gives us the opportunity to carry out our life through His Energy – it is the Creator, Who in this context is represented by the Lord, because the story requires. Yes, the Lord - is the Creator who gives all opportunities for implementation of life to His employees, to those whom He wants to see at His work in the future. He gives up front inheritance to employees, but only on their merit, their aspirations. He wants that the control of His "estate" - your planet – would be implemented fully, with intelligence and honest labor. Those who received the five talents proved worthy diligence and revealed their potential, having increased it. They were able to dispose of the obtained. They were able to develop their abilities and acquired them in an increased amount, through working on themselves and multiplying the accumulated. That's why the Lord gave them a portion of what He has. So what is a talent, and why the Lord took from the third employee the one he had and gave it to those who conceived the ten? And why does everyone who has will be given and multiply, but from the one who doesn’t have will be taken away what one has?


Talent - is your opportunity to carry out this life, it's your understanding and this is the stage at which you have risen due to hard work on your development. Each showed a different diligence, each has different promotion and hence received different inheritance to increase it through hard work. The understanding of life and all its foundations does not come to someone who is not thirsty, who is not aspired - only to those who have aspiration in life and true understanding. Through laziness and fear of all that happens you can-not take a single step up for your development. What is given to you - is the Divine energy as the ability to actions, to work. Energy can-not not to produce an action. Those who prefer inaction by fear of being disagreeable to master are becoming such. Master does not want that the given by Him for the development lie idle. In such a state of inactivity and fear the worker will never become a "steward of the estate," will never change, will not expand the obtained.


In a state of stagnation, disbelief and fear none of the worlds of our Universe can exist. Everywhere there is a work, the work that involves the development of the world through the development of the individual, for only through the development of each individual the world will come to change for the good, to the Transformation. Believe me, those whose aspirations are directed in this way, achieve the desired. They get accumulation in the form of a deep understanding of the world in the form of world cognition in its true light. With conscious and correct choice, with purposeful and hard work you will receive an increase in your "incomes", your talents, you will get the experience through the world understanding. You will be able, with the aspirations and understanding, to receive "incomes" - savings that will allow you to get closer to the Lord, for He is eager to such workers.


I told you that the energy - is the potential to work, to labor, it is something that can-not stand idly by. And therefore from the one who have no desire to use it, to commit the act, it is taken away, and to everyone who has aspirations and movement toward the goal - will be added. Those who experience dread and the fear of the Lord, of the God, not feeling, not knowing that everything in this world is done on the energy level in accordance to the Law, in accordance to Cosmic Laws - those lose touch with God and make the descent after their departure from the earth level in the lower energy layers, in the astral world as you say, and there what you describe as hell awaits them. It is an idle time, a time when it is only possible to realize one’s actions. When the soul comes to a special moment of minimal consciousness, she is granted another attempt to understand the world, to get rid of dread, fear, disbelief - all that prevents her from developing herself and the world.


And thus be the one who have higher aspirations, who direct the forces on the right understanding of the world and all that take place in it. Develop, increase your inheritance, because in this case your potential, all pledged to you begins to unfold. Believe in the diversity of life. Believe that it is not possible to cognize everything at once. But the time of disclosure is coming – time of the manifestation of unmanifested.


Se be it!

Teacher Christ





The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard


This parable is best known, and, of course, I can-not leave it without attention.


So, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a Householder who went out early to hire laborers to his vineyard. And agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day and sent them into his vineyard. After the third hour, he noticed other standing idle, and commanded them to go to work in the vineyard, and that what they earn for the work - they will receive. Afterwards in such a way he hired other workers idly waiting for work. When evening came, governor of the house by the decision of the Lord issued the same payment to all - who came first and who have suffered the hardships of the day and the scorching heat, and who came last and worked only one hour. And having received a denarius, those who came first started to murmur against the Owner of the house. The Owner answered one of them saying that he had received what was due to the agreement: «Isn’t it for a denarius you has agreed with me? I want to give to this last the same as to you.» So the last shall be first and the first last: for many are called, but few are chosen.


This parable is given in the familiar to you translation. And I will speak accordingly foresaid. In this parable laid intimate knowledge of the spiritual world, which is eager to workers regardless of the time of their arrival in the harvest. Employees, those souls that have responded to the call of the Master and started to work, of course, are necessary to our World. This is what we crave, this is that we want - to change the path of idly staggering souls who do not see, do not know that there is a work and it is next to you. The Owner of the house, the Lord, calls, calls upon all to work, to action. Grapes, vineyard, vine - it is our symbol, a symbol of the Spiritual World, because the grape symbolizes the unity of us, living. We have a single stem for food for the exercising ourselves living – it is the energy for life of our Father. We and you have a single Source of Life, the life-giving stream that allows us to act in all the worlds.


Grape branch - is something that should remind you of unity, it is a symbol of the fruit that can nourish living with its amazing composition. And thus, all who are capable of this work are called on, to work in the harvest, to collect fruits. And to work first is difficult. The work is exhausting in the heat, but those who came last are not less important for the owner, for make no less responsible job, because they are full of energy and eager to work. Their efforts and their willingness to work make no less result of their activities.


So why the last will be first? What is it about? What is meant? First of all, commitment and the desire for vigorous activity, the thirst to receive no less a result of its labor. These aspirations were so high that led to the Masters conclusion about its no less effectiveness. Is it possible working one hour and working all day to achieve almost the same result? Apparently, it is possible. Everything depends on the sense of purpose in achieving the goal. It is possible to work slowly knowing that anyway the fee is agreed, and it is possible through aspiration to achieve the same result and to get the same fee. And those who came to work first, and those who joined them later but with a special eagerness and diligence rushed to work, are united to the Lord - the Owner of the house. He appreciates hard work and diligence, allocates perseverance and aspiration to achieve the goal. In fact, the diligence of the last led to the goal, to the end of the fruit harvest.


Those who showed a desire and diligence and came to work, indeed, the Spiritual World workers, for we are talking about the spiritual nourishment, about the grapes as the accumulator of the Creator’s energy. These are the fruits that are necessary to mankind, to the Earth people, because without them the fire in hearts would have extinguished, life would have lost the beauty and harmony that gives us all a spiritual development through unity with the Creator. The owner of the house, the Lord, the Creator of this House - the Earth - eager to call more and more new employees, for the work in our World has a grand scale. And those who respond, those who reveal their Path, are truly the joy for the Lord - the Owner of our general house - our Universe.


Work is there, and we are inviting all who are ready to hear our call, respond to it. And without a doubt that the last shall be first because they will have to replace the generation that has already contributed to this work. Their potential will allow them to become the first, because here comes into force the Law of Alternation and Continuity. Those who have contributed to the harvest season, to the strenuous work, will receive their reward. Those who have started to work, joined later, as they become ready, will be those who will continue this work, and in the future, no doubt, will be the first and those called who responded to the call of the Master. It is they will be that called that will come into the Kingdom of Heaven, the Spiritual World of the Cosmos, the Higher Realms of the Creator, for hard work with diligence and complete dedication has allowed them to produce those savings that made them elected before God - the Creator.



So be it!

Teacher Christ


The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen


The parable of the wicked husbandmen, as you designate, is the most interesting in terms of understanding the role of the Missioners and service. It is about the Missioners, about those who come here by the decision of the Creator, in this context - the Master of the house, this parable.


So, the parable narrates about some Master, which had a vineyard. He has created all conditions for work and departed. When the time of harvesting approached, He sent His servants to get the fruits. The husbandmen acted with the servants at their hardness of heart. One was beaten, other maimed, stoned, another killed. The Master sent other servants again, and the same fate waited for them. Then He sent His Son to them so they could feel ashamed for what they did. But when the husbandmen saw the heir, they decided to kill him and committed their plan.


What will the Master of the vineyard do with the perpetrators of the crime? This question implies an answer. And the life, the time flow has already given this answer.The Master will just let these growers go and forget about them. What am I talking about? I think there is no need to explain to you who is the Master, the husbandman, servants and the Son of the Master. This is already clear to you, that the Master - is the Creator of this World, the husbandmen – are those who work in His fields – bring spiritual knowledge to the world, the Creator’s Ideas.


The Master, the Creator of this house has close to Him individuals - the so-called servants, those who come here for certain work, for the service. These are immediate executors of the Creator’s Will, those who proclaim to husbandmen the Will of the Master, the Supreme Will of God the Creator. The Master is eager to see the fruits from His vineyard. Fruits - are the prerequisite for the work, this is the goal, the result that is necessary to come to. I mean, that any life activity is aimed at obtaining the results, fruits from the labor. The husbandmen work in the fields, and it is their task - to get juicy fruits from their activities. These fruits should be saturated with Energy of the Creator, the Master of this House - the Earth. All conditions for work, for living were created, it remains to see the fruits, to give them to the Master with gratitude and love. But if the fruits are different than the Master expects, if they are not as tasty, juicy and husbandmen can be caught in bad faith, because they have forgotten about the main thing - they have forgotten that they work on the spiritual field of the Master and fruits do not belong to them but to Him, how to return them the true understanding of the world? How to explain to all working on the spiritual field their deep confusion on many issues? To do this the Master sends His servants, in order for them to reveal His Will.


What does the mankind do with the Missioners, or those who serve the Creator? Others crippled, other stoned, other murdered. That is, for the most, the fate of the Missioners, such is the fate of those who bear the Word of God. This is the highest service to the Idea of the Creator, and these are the Missioners of the Spiritual World. They come here not often, only during the harvest season, harvesting, in order to remind the husbandmen on Whose field they reap the fruits, Who do they work for, for the husbandmen have long forgotten about this - they consider all the fruits to be their own. They forgot about the Owner of the House, about the One Who had given them everything they have. They imagined themselves to be the true masters. In order to return them the true concepts, specify the correct reference points, the Master sends His Son, the one who fulfills his vital activity close to Him. He sends the one who is dear to Him, in order for him to manage to prove to husbandmen the incorrectness of their acts, the distortions in their thinking. It is the role of the Higher Missioners - the Sons of God, who come here to establish the true notions in people's souls, to announce the Word of God the Creator. And for Jesus from Nazareth was waiting the fate of all God's servants. Yes, the husbandmen, those who reaped the fruits in the spiritual field, did not understand, did not realize what he brought. And they decided to kill him, to bring to wicked death, having trampled with it all his human dignity.


What will the Master of the house do with the husbandmen? What fate waits for them? Only the one they themselves prepared to them - the fate of outcasts, for the Owner fulfills the desire of His workers. Not wanting to carry out the necessary conditions, not wanting to make an equivalent energy exchange, the husbandmen are now left without attention and help of the Master. The Master provides them with possibility of independent development path. He leaves them fruits but deprives His aid, He forgets about them. Whom am I talking about? I'm talking about those husbandmen, the whole nation suffered for. This nation, like no other, had the opportunity, the higher opportunity to give Prophets-Missioners to the world, servants of God, those who are in the highest service to the Creator. These people received the highest knowledge to move forward. But the work of husbandmen, those who worked independently in the vineyard of God the Creator, often did not have the fruits, became infertile, for the working conditions were violated. The husbandmen - are those who seek to obtain a large crop, large and juicy fruits, but these - have forgotten about their role, considering the entire harvest to be only their achievement. Such thinking leads to violations of all existing Laws: the Laws of human society, and the Laws of the Cosmos. What do you do with those who have made obvious violations? You put them in isolation, because otherwise it is impossible to realize the consequences of false thinking.


False thinking, distorted notions, lost landmarks - I often talk about this. I talk about the distortions existing in your world. They are many: it is imposed stereotypes of thinking, and it is set gradations and frameworks of behavior. Earthly life, earthy foundations impose a large imprint on all the concepts that exist everywhere in all the worlds. Your thinking exists within certain limits, frames. Any violation of these limits, different thinking causes attacks on the one who thinks differently, often not looking for the most part into the essence of what is happening. Our Missioners, in this context - God's servants, were attacked more often than the others, beaten, eradicated, because they are, in the human view, encroach on the sacred, the Word of God, and in fact they carried this Word in the world, they fulfilled the Will of the One Who sent them.


The will of the Creator in this period lies in one thing: to remind the husbandmen that live now about the fruit collection time - this time has approached. All the activities of husbandmen that bear fruits, is not what is expected by the Owner. Those who carry the Word of God, the Master of this World, are already here, and there is a serious work to do.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


Parable of the Unjust Steward


There was a certain rich man who had a steward, and an accusation was brought to him that this man was wasting his goods. So he called him and said to him, ‘What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your stewardship, for you can no longer be steward.’ Then the steward said within himself, ‘What shall I do? For my master is taking the stewardship away from me. I cannot dig; I am ashamed to beg.  I know what to do, that when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses.’ So he called every one of his master’s debtors to him, and said to the first, ‘How much do you owe my master?’ And he said, ‘A hundred measures of oil.’ So he said to him, ‘Take your bill, and sit down quickly and write fifty.’ Then he said to another, ‘And how much do you owe?’ So he said, ‘A hundred measures of wheat.’ And he said to him, ‘Take your bill, and write eighty.’ So the master commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly. For the sons of this world are shrewder in their generation than the sons of light. And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you reduced to beggary, you may be received into an everlasting home. He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own? No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Luke 16:1-13


So, this parable needs clarification, for it says about the foundations of this world. Steward and others like him – are those who received high position advance, great opportunities for realization in this world. How do they use these opportunities? They use them indulging their own desires to enrich themselves, having forgotten about the interests of the Lord. At the same time the Lord loses much. With such a stewardship of the estate the wealth is wasted, accumulated is wasted, available is wasted and the other is acquired in unrighteous way. This path leads steward to the poverty, he loses his job. However, having a wicked mind, he thinks that it is possible to cheat the Lord. He is trying to reduce his waste in fraud, cunning way. He is trying to create a financial support in this life by deception. 


Deception, lies, concealment of the truth – these are the common tricks in your world. This way you want to go, not knowing about the relationship between two worlds. The two worlds - the World of Matter and the World of Energies - are interrelated and interdependent. Is it possible to make the deception in the world of matter so that it does not affect the energy world? No, impossible. While creating your Material World, remember this. Be aware of the relationship between Matter and Spirit. Remember that by creating unrighteous wealth you select a different way, the way down. Way of serving Mammon - is the way of those who chose the fate of the steward in the World of Matter and the poor, having nothing on the energy level in the other world. And this is what allows the Master - God the Creator - to dismiss from work, from the activities those who were unfaithful stewards. You can-not serve two masters: God and mammon, for the service - it is the highest need of the soul to give all of its energy potential for the job, for bringing the Higher Idea from the Spiritual Realm. Therein lies the service, therein lies the righteous wealth. It manifests itself not here, and therefore everything that is not visible to you, you feel a ghostly, unreal, non-existent. For us everything is different, because we are free from the subjective perception, and I tell you about the eternal life, not that time interval which is due to your current worldview. It is your world enables you to become stewards and commit right acts to know the truth of what is happening among you.


Abode of God longs for the true, faithful stewards, who will be faithful in the small only for you to get yours - the highest and true. How to achieve this faithfulness? How to separate the Path of service to the Supreme Idea of God the Creator - Lord of the world - from the service of mammon? These questions assume the temptation for you, for you know not other relations, except for the existing among you. Your world compensates the energy costs by obtaining the equivalent bank notes. Does it always correspond to the true? In most cases no. The state of Harmony is broken in the world because of the unjust doings of many. Could the unrighteous wealth give you success with the Lord? By no means. Only with those who choose their own kind by their shrewdness. Yes, the children of this world - stewards of the Material World - quick-witted, ready for all sorts of tricks, more adopted than the Sons of Light. And so the illusion creates in your mind that Material World manages everything. But there are people not of this world, who do not go for gimmicks, but are looking for the righteous wealth - the wealth of their soul. Namely they are the Children of Light, those who maintain a balance on the energy level in this world. Their service is true, their service is faithful, their guides are directed to the future, to the Lord, God the Creator, to the Truth and Light.



So be it!

Teacher Christ


Parable of the Two Sons


There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son! Go and work today in my vineyard.’ But he replied “I don’t want to”, but after repented and went. And having come to the second he said the same. This replied “I am coming, my Master”, and didn’t go. Which one of the two executed the will of the father?


This parable shows the impossibility to judge human affairs fully on Earth. Fathers will can have different manifestation. Is it possible to judge by the kind-hearted speeches that the second son is more efficient and respect the Father more? Unfortunately, yes. Untrue manifestations, histrionic, ostentatious attitude to the Father is mostly present in your world. Yes, beautiful words, ostentatious humility and lack of work, the emptiness in a soul on the level of feelings, but apparently it look appeasable and pleasant. But this is only the external side, because the world needs the good deeds to be produced, not the beautiful empty speeches. Those who initially rejected the work, but after realizing the need for it, repented, and went there, are truly faithful sons, for their aspiration and manifestation of the desires are true and aimed to produce the results, aimed on the job. And those sons that express reverence, always agreeing with the Will of the Father and then remain out of work - are those who impede, oppose the necessary deeds in this world.


Your judgments about the truth of the manifestations of a certain son are mostly subjective, because you judge by the external manifestations, being unaware of the work that takes place within each. Those who initially did not realize the Will of the Father, but came to fulfill His Will through inner work on themselves are valuable to the Lord. And therefore it is said, that the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God ahead of you, those who have not made an intense work on oneself.


The Kingdom of God - it is, as I explained earlier, the Spiritual World of Cosmos, it is the World of those who managed to rise to the higher realms, who performs direct Will of the Father. The publicans and the harlots who came to awareness of the implementation of this Will here on Earth - are those who, through tremendous efforts over themselves, by the inner workings produced a desired alignment of the Way. Through effort, through repentance they revealed the right direction. And the produced work will never be in vain. It provided an opportunity to open up their possibilities, to work in the "vineyards" of the Father, to become His Sons, true and faithful.


This outcome of life is the most valuable for the Father, for He longs for the soul awakening, longs to give everyone the opportunity to work in his "vineyard." True Sons of the Father - are not those who are on their knees, lament and actively bow. These ostentatious prayers, ostentatious warships are of a little use.  Such sons are always outwardly respectful. They bear writings under their arms, ranting about the Father, God. But if the Father asks them to do the work, the necessary work in the “vineyard”? Yes, their prayers will be both grandiloquent. Yes, they will say that they go, but will not go. 


Be careful not to judge only the external manifestation. Try to see deeper and to judge by the results of the work. Our Father judges human actions. Who is the true Son and do the will of the Father, will be revealed not here, because the acts are not always visible immediately, but only after the work is done.


Results – are your savings in the form of energy that can purify the soul through repentance and return it to the right Path that leads to the Kingdom of God, the Spiritual World of our Father.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


Parable of the Good Samaritan


Blessed are the eyes that see what you see!

A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was caught by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, wounded him and went away, leaving him half dead.  A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by.  So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by.  But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.  He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. And the next day while leaving he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said ‘Look after him, and if you may have any extra expense, I will reimburse you when I return.’

“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

Luke 10:23, 30-36


So, our conversation today will be about the neighbor. Love your neighbor as yourself. Who is the neighbor? And what kind of love is it? Parable itself is very easy to understand, for the understanding of these concepts. The concept of "neighbor" includes the definition of: the nearby, the nearly living creatures, the one who carries out his life with you. Why you must love your neighbor as yourself? First of all, because the neighbor has, in fact, the same structure of life and with you in a single field of energy and any life collisions are associated with a violation of the energy field. And your love and mutual support can help to level this field and once again feel the peace and tranquility in the soul.


Peace and tranquility - yes, that is exactly a necessary condition for the development of the individual. I am talking about a state that can-not be broken by any of the life trials. I am talking about the fact that life can be compared to the movement in the labyrinth, which has a rather complex scheme and one exit. You implement your life in accordance with your goals and objectives in the forming conditions. But your choice is whether you find your Path, your Road that leads to a dead end, or conversely, to the Light. Many collisions can happen on this Path, according to your actions and thinking, leading to a goal or leading away from it.


Many of the situations happen in front of you precisely for the cognition of the gist of life and for manifestation of all the best in you. Don’t be afraid of manifesting compassion, mercy to any living being, for the one who comes your way is the neighbor. And only your niceness, empathy to needs will give you the opportunity to know yourself and your abilities as a human. A human that can understand and love the neighbor becomes a true Human, whose world understanding and feelings approach to the Truth, who lives by the highest program of the Creator “You - are Gods”, who realize himself namely from the positions of the World of Cosmos, from the positions of Eternity of the Universe. 


Bringing the energies of the Higher Realms to this world – of Harmony and Purity, you feel this world differently and it is visible to the people around you. The World of Harmony and Purity lays in its acceptance and bringing its energy to the world around you. And the main condition for this is the establishment in your soul the basic truth: You shall love the Lord God with all your heart, all your soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. And all life situations are given to you to realize exactly this Truth, for the manifestation of it in yourself. If your heart, your conscience is silent when you see someone who has a need in you, if you focus only on the sophistication or, on the contrary, took the position of "do not want to know anything" or, as you say, "none of my business" then you close yourself from cognizing, first of all yourself. You do not give the Higher Devine particle – the soul, to manifest in you. You live only in a conditions that are limited by your present day, and you have to carry out such a life until the push from the outside commits a disclosure in you and you find the Path leading to the Light. This is the exit from the labyrinth of passions, diseases, miseries – this is the Path to God, the Creator of all being. And only that finds this Path, who has right aspiration, and it is not enclosed in a priest’s cassock, in the earthly ranks and accessories. It is enclosed in your pure vessel of a soul, thirsty for filling from the Pure Source, the Primary Source, the Creator.


Let there be light that illuminates your soul! Let it manifest in you through your Divine Essence. The one who shows love and mercy to all being, that one have truly stepped onto the right Path. That has singled out the rock solid concepts concealing a foundation of the creation. The Spiritual World of Cosmos, all the unbreakable is built upon these concepts, it is the foundation of the World of Harmony and Purity. And exactly this must become a mainstay also for your world. 


Your world needs equilibrium on the energy level, needs the connection of knowledge about Matter and Spirit, knowledge of the World of Cosmos, which can-not be delivered to you precisely because of rejection of the basic principle, the basis for the acquisition of new knowledge. The rejection of the Truth, as a basis for true relations with the World of Matter and the Higher World, of the above concepts makes you closed for new knowledge, for that truths I talked about two thousand years ago remained an empty word for you, the famous story, not more. It didn’t become the life basis for the majority of living people, it didn’t become that sincere impulse that opens the hearts and the souls and brings to finding that the only true Path that leads to the True Light and world cognition. This road will not force you to wander, changing direction and losing orientation. This road will help you to combine, connect, to manifest all that you have. And your love of your neighbor as yourself is the Beginning from which your true learning of the World of Matter will begin. And the love of God will show you the possibility of manifestation of this highest filling in you. It is this is the basis, the foundation of the world view, world understanding of a human, the Beginning for the true world cognition.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


Parable of the Barren Fig Tree


Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.


A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil? The man replied ‘Sir! Leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it.  If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down next year.’” 

Luke11:28; 13:6-9


This parable speaks of what many are missing – it is patience. The fruits do not appear immediately. Maturation and ripening cycle can occur in different time frames. Only patience and faith can become that pillar that will lead to the undoubted   results. And the fruits will appear in the world. The impatience and hasty decisions will not give them opportunities to materialize, to manifest in the Material World. Perhaps, according to your measurements much is delayed, doesn’t happen and it is necessary to act faster and produce actions that nullify all the developed actions. No fruits – so destroy. But for everything there is time, due time, and the time – is the conditioned by the circumstances reality that takes place in a certain moment. And before conditioning yourself with the decision, think about your ability to change the situation into the necessary direction. Have you done everything in order to get the fruits? Have you put enough forces, skills, cleverness? Did you provide assistance? 


To shoot from the hip is easier than to make efforts to achieve the goal. Unfortunately, in such a way in this world a lot turned out misunderstood, destroyed, annihilated. The decision about infertility, uselessness of one or another activity, work, incomprehension of the true nature of many of the underlying processes have led humanity to the result that lead to the death of the surrounding living world of the planet. Useful or useless, does is give the fruits for eating them every moment or not – this is the foundation of momentary thinking of mankind and many acts that led the entire civilizations of Earth to death. 


What am I talking about? I say that your thinking is fundamentally built, aimed only at satisfying the immediate needs, at obtaining concrete results in the concrete period. And what if everything happens in a different way and the occurring processes are much deeper? If a blossoming young tree lacks the very small - soil nutrition, and in the subsequent time it will bring great fruits and blossom in full bloom? Learn to see the deep essence of things. Learn how to find the right solutions and not to think by every minute desires. World will flourish in front of you, when you learn to think seeing the deep essence, not distorted by your disapproval in the current minute.


How to teach mankind to think globally, that is uniting the earth-mind with the cosmic vision? Earthlings are missing this. Current mankind is missing this. Many representatives of different worlds have different manifestations, different abilities, but you are given an amazing opportunity of cognition for obtaining the results, for the establishment of true conclusions that cut off the untrue, that enable you while sharing the experience to expand thinking and to bring everything inside into the equilibrium, what in turn will lead to the state of Harmony. It is that the mankind misses. Thinking is limited by narrow and immediate desires and requirements. With such thinking it is impossible to cognize the invisible, unknown, because it does not give immediate fruits.


I wish that the Earth as a magnificent pearl shone in the sky, emitting pure pink-blue light, and the Earthlings were worthy members of all Space Community. 


So be it!

Teacher Christ


Parable about the sheep


Very truly I tell you, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the door, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. The one who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. The doorkeeper opens the door for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will not follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.

John 10:1-5


Good Shepherd. I am the good shepherd, and know mine, and mine know me. As the Father knows me so I know the Father, and my life is for the sheep. Yes, it is so. Everything I strive to is my concern for those who have not yet come to realize their role in this life, who are in a certain stage of understanding the world. This stage makes it impossible for many to look at the world differently, to raise eyes and see everything in a new way. The one who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. What is it about?


The door - is your opportunity to ascend to the higher realms of the Creator. I point you at this opportunity, I open the door to you: come to our world! Come to us! We are waiting for you! Everyone has opportunities, but not everyone reveals them in himself, not everyone gives them to manifest. But who are those who enter not through the door, but climb in a different ways? Yes, it is a thief and a robber, for the one who shows you the path, always honestly represents his goals, for the one who enters through the door is the one who has the right to be a pastor - to give the new knowledge to the world. New knowledge comes from the flow of new energies. This is the door that will open up a New World for you, that will show you the direction of the Path. And a thief and a robber act differently. He does not show you the Way, does not show the way out, he seeks in a roundabout way, by the tricks, to take over the herd.


Sheep herd - such a comparison is possible, because it complies with the truth, corresponds to the situation that many living have adopted. Unfortunately, this comparison is correct regarding most sleeping souls. In order to get the majority out of this state, you need the good shepherd, leading, knowing the road. And therefore, I am the door, because I know the Truth, I know the Road I want to lead you.


And I know mine and mine know me. What is it about? It is that those who came from the Celestial Sphere, from the Higher Spiritual Hierarchy, know me, and I know them, because the inherent knowledge in them tells them a lot on the level of intuition, on the level of feelings. This aspiration inherent in them leads them into the right direction.


So the pastor, leader – is the one who has the correct orientation, aimed to act for the benefit of all living. And therefore, those who have a certain tuning of soul, the spiritual core, know the voice calling them out. They will not follow a stranger, because it is contrary to their tuning, this voice of a stranger leads to discord in their souls, and it is felt right away. Voice that is calling you, you feel according to your feelings at the heart level. There are a lot of those who call. And also a lot of those who wish to learn this world in all its forms.


The world is presented to you in all diversity, and to identify the voice that matches your tuning of the soul, that resonates with all your nature - this means to tune everything in yourself in accordance with the world, that you want to communicate with.


The worlds are different. And each has its own voice, resonates at the certain frequencies. You have the ability to distinguish the one who calls you. Open the door, offered to you. Look at the world that is calling you. Are all its ideals and principles match your soul tuning? Is it the door that opens the Path to you to the Higher Realms of the Creator? What the calling offers to you?


I am standing in front of you behind the closed Door. I offer you: come in! Look at our World. Get to know us. Our aspirations, ideals, goals and tasks – are they allied with you? If yes, so this Door is yours. It will open a new Path to you, a right Way, it will allow you to see everything in a different way, to believe sincerely and through the heart, to be in the conditions of love and bliss, to cognize the higher aspirations, to realize the plurality of the world. And, the most important, I am opening to you a Door to the Father, our Great Parent of all being, a Path, that leads to the Highest Spheres of the Space and the Hierarchy of the Creator.

So be it!

Teacher Christ


Parable of the rich Fool


Let’s talk about your famous parable of the rich man, who had a good crop in the field.


He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and all my goods.  And I’ll say to my soul, “Soul! You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’ But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your soul will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared?’


This is how happens with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God. …“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the birds in the sky: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! And who of you by worrying can add a single cubit of growth? 


This parable touches the most important foundations of your world view, your understanding of the world. How to connect beneficially Material World and the Spiritual? How to see the precise border that separates your thinking from the ability to know the Kingdom of God? People of this world are looking for what to eat, what to drink, anxiously worrying about all needs. They alienate themselves from the true purpose of their coming into this world, they alienate themselves from God, from communion with Him. They rely more on themselves, on their skills and capabilities, and interrupt the connection with the Higher world.


Consider the lilies blooming, how beautiful they are in their brocade robe. Yet, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If the world of plants covered by this lush color and appears in all its glory, how the Lord will not clothe you? Do not be afraid to be generous! Do not be afraid to be free! Serve the needy, and to everyone who asks may arrive, and every giver will get more, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Giving to the needy, you get something more - a treasure of your soul. And this treasure neither moth nor rust destroys it. Your treasures are hidden in you. You have astonishing repositories of kindness, mutual understanding and a true understanding of the world. These treasures are hidden in you. They are the true essence of your life. They and their acquired accumulation is the true measure of your life, because to these treasures thieves do not break in and where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


I'm talking about very important things. I'm talking about very difficult things for a true understanding of many, for the true faith is deeply rooted, the entire life of the believer is based on it. These are the foundations of morality, conscience and honor, which are firmly established as the main criteria in the souls. This framework does not allow to reject the supplication, to refuse need. This is the highest mercy, bordering with self-denial in the Material World, because the soul turned her eyes skyward, into the kingdom of God, the Higher World of Harmony and Purity. Such a soul lives in a different state. It commits the acts at the level of the Laws of Cosmos and foundations of the Spiritual World. Everything happens at the behest of a pure heart at the behest of a soul thirsting for disclosure of her treasures with it.


Revealing and manifesting the soul treasures, you get an amazing opportunity: by giving – to receive. This is a wonderful gift - to give people your energy through the material manifestations. That is how the energy exchange takes place on this planet. You will gain a lot more when you learn to get peace through good manifestations of your soul. And thus your cognition of the world and most importantly your true essence goes in the best possible way. Yes, exactly. Development can occur only when you become free, when the shackles of the material world fall and you see the needs of others in a different light. Only when you learn to listen to your heart, and after - the mind, when you release your Cosmic Essence, your Spirit from the captivity - you will find the right balance in this world, not allowing you to do otherwise.


Free soul, rushed to the Path of development, is always free from all material aspirations. She trusts the Lord, for the faith in her is primary, is true. No, not the exact observance of rituals and religious rites makes your soul free for the development, but your state of mind manifesting the true faith in your thoughts and actions. State of the Spirit, the soul is the primary basis for development. And this condition is permanent pacified state. In this state, you attract clean and bright energies, and you are the source, albeit not great, but the Light, the true Light of the Creator. From now on, your life comes in a different line, leads to the true purpose of your life on Earth.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


Parable of the Rich man and Lazarus


There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores. The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's side.  The rich man also died and was buried, and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’ But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.’ And he said, ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father's house— for I have five brothers—so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.’  But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.’ And he said, ‘No father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’  He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’”

Luke 16:19-31


So, we will reflect on the parable given to you in writing. How do I realize it and what is the basic meaning of the above?


Wealth and poverty. Yes, your world is divided namely according to these criteria. Your world values the accumulations of material, because those are really presented in front of you, really visible. It is it provides an opportunity to feel the superiority of one man over another through the visible division in stocks. But there are two lives represented you in this parable: the life of a rich, having fun at feasts, and the life of a beggar.


Of course, the life of Lazarus flew on earth in pain and disease. This is the destiny of those who have not managed to accumulate wealth here in the righteous way, but whom life is given for awareness, to identify the Truth. How does this happen? Usually after strong tests, diseases that make people think and draw a closer look inside. Diseases of the physical body indicate the higher reasons of their appearing, or that at the energy level there are processes that allow the body - physical body, to experience ailments. Yes, the body is in perfect correlation with the energy field and often reflects its condition, but we are talking about the relationship between lifestyle and way of thinking and the subsequent stage of the soul location after the transition to a different state.


The relationship between the lifestyle, thinking and accumulation on the energy level, is sufficiently huge. Those who aspire in such a short period of its existence, from the perspective of the World of Cosmos, only to the luxury and feasts, only to the idle life, forget or do not know that they waste their energy potential, what is unacceptable to the World of Cosmos position. Because there is a strict order in Cosmos, only because of strict adherence to the Laws of the Cosmos.


Laws of the Cosmos are focused on the evolution, on the development of all being. They are targeted to the move forward for the benefit. Yes, idleness or acts that carry the destruction and elimination of energy potential are the flagrant violation of the Laws of energy interrelation. They do not allow such a soul to rise up after the transition to another state. Hence the location of the wealthy man, who squandered his accumulated potential, will be in the lower levels of the astral plane. Why the beggar Lazarus was able to implement the ascent? Just because he was able to get, or better say to identify a higher quality in him and to elevate them to higher achievements. Thus he acquired wealth of his soul - it is humility, forgiveness, modesty, kindness, benevolence, and love for all beings. It is this result of his life allowed him to ascend to the Higher Realms, to the Spiritual World of the Cosmos. These savings have allowed him to enter the number of close High Spirits, aimed at work with the Creator.


Is there a possibility in the other world, in the World of Energy, of communication between the souls who are in the different layers? Yes, exist, because there much is revealed differently and seen holistically. Ability to communicate exists, as well as exist a possibility for a more holistic knowledge. How to bring to living the knowledge that so far can-not be checked or verified scientifically and to be confirmed, the knowledge of the World of Energy?


Human thinking is based on extensive evidence. What is not available at this time for proving is clearly rejected, as well as that what is not understood at this day. I will say in this way, that thinking is based on momentary feelings, but it is time to see more. It is time to understand that not everything can be given, taught to the mankind overnight.


Development – is a spiral movement. The new coil creates volume and a different vision. How can the human soul be appealed so that she responded to the call? How to explain that life and comprehension of oneself a clever being will not end with the loss of your physical body? This is only a segment, a small segment of your existence, given to you to work on yourself and work in this world. Sometimes, your goal may be to acquire some higher qualities so missed by you. All your savings will remain with you as well as a waste accumulated through inaction and idleness will take you into a world that is painfully perceived by you, for it is the world of non-action, constant non-action.


I encourage you to bring all the concepts to the norm, to the order and to identify the purpose of your arrival. This is the main point in your life - moment of multifaceted cognition and acceptance the notions about World of Energy as the Truth. This is necessary as the comprehension of one’s role in this life. Everyone has, undoubtedly, his Path, his own Road, but whether you stepped on it and marched there with dignity, you will know fully only after the transition to the other world. This is where you will discover the diversity of the World of Energies, and only you, you yourself will define the place that will become a place of your dwelling.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


Parable of the Unjust Judge


In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor respected man. And there was a widow in that city who kept coming to him and saying, ‘Give me justice against my adversary.’ For a while he refused, but afterward he said to himself, ‘Though I neither fear God nor respect man, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will give her justice, so that she will not beat me down by her continual coming.’ And the Lord said, “Hear what the unrighteous judge says?  And will not God give justice to His elect, who cry to Him day and night? Will he delay long over them?  I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

 Luke 18:2-8


The parable of the unjust judge, in fact, expresses the situation in your present world and profound essence has not known by anyone. And I want to talk about it from the position of this day, from the position of your thinking.


Indeed, the mindset of the modern human society, for the most part, is close to the thinking of the above judge. Yes, nether fear God nor ashamed of people - this is exactly the way of thinking and, consequently, doings of the majority. Wrong, distorted thinking puts fences, congestion to a deeper understanding of life. Yes, you need to expand your knowledge, need to renew the lost relationship with God, you need to see a lot of situations more consciously and deeper. Are your current shackles of material life is so strong that it does not allow you to achieve clear perception of the world and understand your role in this life? Your role is not to be the unrighteous judge to control the human fates at your own will.


Your role lies in another - to learn to believe in not visible by you, to learn to understand the motives and actions of others, to learn how to enter through this awareness into the Flow of the Creator and to receive from Him advice and guidance. Is it possible for everyone? Yes, possible. But for anyone who set foot on the Path of true understanding of the world, for everyone who has reached a sincere faith, for everyone who seeks purify and through this - to the alignment of the distorted concepts.


To live like the unjust judge - it means to live a life in a vain, it means to stop the possible development, to lose the remnants of purity and righteousness as the higher energies, capable of leveling the field. Life in disbelief and shamelessness, life smug and carefree, life in the constant fuss – is the inability to stop, put down all untrue, and in the silence to ask yourself the question: "Who am I? Where did I come from? On what basis and principles my thinking is built? How can be considered made by me doings? Where am I going?" To stop is just necessary.


Ahead of those who prefer the path of the wicked judge – is a dead end. The attempt to deny the higher achievements, to judge in the own way, to set the own laws, opposing the Laws of the Cosmos, is not the essence of earthlings life. God will protect His own elect who cry to him day and night, for He hears those who are His chosen who saw in Him an opportunity to learn a great justice, set in the Universe. It is the faith, as the basis of life, as the basis of human thinking, belief in the Creator as a Higher Just Being lost by you. This allows making undignified, unseemly acts in the world.


Genuine faith entails a sincere attitude to everything going on, everything that exists. That is the concept of pure faith is violated among you. Pure faith does not imply fellowship with God only to obtain the necessary information. No! Sincere faith and devotion stem from the great state of reverence and love. Then any possible misdeeds are impossible.


The world needs people that understand what I mean, who would be able to perform work on himself, who will reveal in himself a crystal clear Beginning, and through this divine particle he will enter into a dialogue with us. We are waiting for those who will reveal their Path. And this Path will be to God, the Path of the true faith and cognition of the world!


So be it!

Teacher Christ


Parable of those Who Consider Themselves Righteous


Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.

Luke 18:10-14


Today we will touch on the topic, which has great importance for the formation of personality foundations and correct world understanding. The question about the manifested qualities of personality - truly manifested or paraded.


What is the soul? This is a very tiny structure, forming in terrestrial conditions, the structure, that has the aspiration to development. But how to determine the Path that will indeed allow it to develop? How to manage to extract the Truth and determine the true concepts? How to learn not just to respect the foundations of society, to look respectable member of this society, but also to learn to excrete from you those main things that with all decency never manifested?


What I am talking about? You feel the difference between the pure, true feeling, even though with repentance but pure faith and love are manifested in it, and sweet lies and ostentatious virtue. The feeling of purity and sincerity in relationship with God must be kept in you, should be directed to the improvement. A person who is covered by ostentatious grandeur from the acts he does himself is far from sincere communion with God, for conversation at the level of the soul - it is a great sacrament, is the exchange of love flows, and it occurs at the level of high refined energies. And only a soul in a special state can accept this Flow, in a special tuning and in a special attunement.


I say that in order to achieve unity with God as Father, it is necessary to align in yourself, to attune at all levels the vibration of the entire organism. Any distortions - are violations, or a frequency shift that prevent entry into the Flow of High Energies. Anyone who has clearly harmful thoughts for the soul in his soul, and the one in whom the complacency is manifested, contempt, self-exaltation, and the desire to feel himself elected, separated from the crowd, that, in his manifestations, does not allow his soul to evolve, does not give her a chance of clean communion with God. For the soul put these blocks, these fences that impede the Light penetration, interfere purification. Unfortunately, it is the majority of those who made his blocks, barriers that do not allow us to communicate. These fences are so high and powerful, that the soul dies there. And the cries of the soul, her sufferings are not visible and not heard by you for the same reason, because of the closeness, blocking consciousness. Everything in your world contributes to this. The imposed on you thinking, ignoring the sensations at the level of intuition, heart sensations, contribute to this.


If you live the life of a respectable citizen, having only inner complacency of your sinless life, if that is what you can tell God in sincere conversation - prayer, than you did not reach anything for your whole existence here on Earth. You have not done anything that would leave a mark of you - a trace of your doings for good, leading mankind to progress, to the Light. But it is a great challenge, and it can be done only with pure, free souls. But you, what have you done for yourself, have you moved even one step in your development? Have you managed to make the work on yourself to get closer to the World of Purity and Light? Alas, those who rise themselves, they see in front of them artificial light created in their illusory imagination, because the true Light gets further away from them.


Yes, you must learn to be sincere and honest with yourself. Are you a crystal clear Spirit? If so, where are your respective doings? If not, so locate, identify in yourself what obstructs your development, what create a false, smug settings, allowing to judge about not known by you.


Much in this world is founded on a foundation that is not cognized by you. And everyone receives in accordance with his previous developments. And seed capital has been given to you not overnight. Seed capital as the energy potential of the Spirit. It is a long process connected in the entire Universe, interconnected with the Worlds of the Cosmos. You need to aware yourself as a person who set foot on the Path of development, the Path of cognition. And a sincere, frank conversation with God as with a close soul mate, Who wishes you only good, can help you to choose the right direction in the Way. 


So be it!

Teacher Christ


The Parable of the Exalt

When you are invited by someone to a wedding feast, do not sit down in a place of honor, lest someone more distinguished than you be invited by him, and he who invited you both will come and say to you, ‘Give your place to this person,’ and then you will begin with shame to take the lowest place. But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

Luke 14:8-11


The parable of the exalt is necessary to be realized at this point, this time. Why? Because all of the warnings given to earthly humanity, appeared to be in a vain. The idea that makes sense in this exposition is not understood by the living. So what are we talking about? What is the deep essence? Deep essence is always hidden, and to identify it, it is necessary to think, to reflect, that is, to make the work with one’s own consciousness, comparing available there information with the received. It is a work for the mind, work on yourself, because you have the opportunity to make deliberate steps to expand the boundaries of your consciousness.


So, why I recommend you not to have in mind fundamental principles with distortions? Who can judge, decide and seduce himself with the idea of his lofty place in this life? Who is granted with the objective vision of Truth on the basis of pure knowledge of the soul? There are few, but most are those who aimed at their person elevation, seeming and unworthy. What does it lead to? To the false leaders who do not know, do not observe the Laws of Cosmos. Hence derive all the consequences of a global scale.


False leaders, having in a soul the untrue idea of the world, get the mankind further away from the harmonious coexistence of all life on the planet. Who is to blame in this? Only you, because you cannot say, "Give him a place, the one who deserves the highest place, who has aspirations to the Truth and Purity." You allow a minority to control you, allow it to press down on your mind, imposing you false thinking and stereotypes.


Free thinking assumes, first of all, a frank conversation with your soul. And it happens at the level of heart, when your Divine particle is recognized as knowing, storing knowledge, and you communicate with her, recognizing yourself as not knowing many truths. It is in this way a lot will be opened to you, a lot will be opened differently to you. This is the moment when your ego should be reduced to a minimum, when you honestly track your shortcomings. And this moment, perhaps, may seem degrading to many. But humbles himself shall be exalted. What am I talking about? I am talking about the deep essence of the Truth cognition. I am talking about revealing of your true Essence - the God particle. I am talking about the conversation at the level of the higher energies; about the correction of your field. It is this feature you are missing. It is the moment of Truth disclosure. And this state will save you from false conclusions and ambitions.


You have a purpose here, leading your soul to the development. It is for the sake of this goal you realize your life. And according to the fruits of your deeds you shall be recognized. Who you are? What have you made? Your actions that have filled your life will tell it. And according to them you will be given a place at the great banquet, and this place will be elected for you by your merits, because exalts himself - will be humbled, and humbles himself - exalted.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

“The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away.  So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also.  And the servant of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have weeds?’  He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ But he said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them.  Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, “Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.”

Mattherw 13:24-30


The above parable is an amazingly accurate prophecy. Is not it? Do you feel that compliance of the above said with the produced? Do you feel that this analogy has very accurately reflected what is done later? The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who sowed good seeds in his field. What is it about? Indeed, a man was originally proposed to sow the good and eternal. Originally the Path leading to Kingdom of Heavens was shown. And this Path is completely distorted. Now it is very difficult to separate the good seeds from the tares, because the differences are not immediately visible.

Differences ... What am I talking about? I say that now stirred up a lot of those who call themselves with high names, who has many achievements and use them, who are trying to impose their program on you, the program that does not lead to the development of the Spirit. What is their goal? The goal is rather simple and complex. Naturally, this is the idea of changing the human thinking into the necessary direction. And this way does not lead you into the Kingdom of Heaven, the Spiritual World of the Cosmos. This path takes you farther away from the goal we have set ourselves.

I said that the Worlds of Cosmos are diverse and this diversity there has different directions of development - it is a spiritual Path and technocratic, or Way of Spirit and Matter. The principal differences are not necessary to explain to you. I will only say that the development of the Spirit involves identifying human abilities and their improvement. This opens a lot of hidden and reveals unrevealed. This path has been specified to you. This seed, good seed had been thrown on your field. But at the same time a human's desire to feel himself an absolute master of everything created, has been revealed, using the technical developments, using the mind above its spiritual possibilities.

The path of development you choose yourself. This path leads you to the goal which is necessary to clearly see and identify. Who offered you the Path that you follow? For what purpose? Where are you going? And what do you crave? Do you grow good seeds in your fields, or under the guise of good seeds the tares grow that was sown by the enemy of man? Time for the growth of the seeds that was put into the world was given to mankind. Harvest time is approaching. It is visible what has grown. It is quite embedded, but also made it possible to grow the wheat of wondrous power. This is the answer to the question: why two thousand years the distortions in Christianity were allowed? That is exactly because separation of the grain from the tares is happening in your life, it occurs when the harvest time comes, and the reapers come and gather first the tares, and knit them in bundles to burn. And only the clean wheat from the good seed falls into the barn. The time of separation the grain from the tares is coming. And it is approaching thanks to you, those who are able to help, to assist the reapers.

The harvest time has already been conditioned. Time that has its destiny for the future, for the planet and humanity as a whole. This time brings closer everyone who opened his soul to the true knowledge, who managed to rise above the commonness and bustle of life, who has revealed the crystal clear Beginning in himself. It is on this kind of soil good seeds sprout, seeded from the Spiritual World. And the fact that here, on this planet, in the spiritual area, you let the enemy to come in, that you allowed him to seed the weeds – it is your fault, those who allowed this invasion in their souls.

True faith involves live communion with the living God. That is the purpose of the Spiritual World - to share their development, to enable a human to discover his true Essence, his higher destiny. You are missing this now, because you cannot make the right choice, you cannot separate the wheat from the tares. Those who wanted to create this confusion in the minds of people, created it. You have no possibility now to walk the Straight Path, to see clearly the goal, because you have lost waymarks. You have a difficult task: the task of separating all superficial and untrue through your development and cognition of all that happen. The task requires patience, tolerance until the necessary time.

Once again I repeat: the harvest time is approaching!


So be it!

Teacher Christ


The Parable of the Sower and Seeds

The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how. The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. But when the grain is ripe, at once he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”

And he said, “With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable shall we use for it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown on the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth, yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes larger than all the garden plants and puts out large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.”

Mark 4:28-32



The kingdom of God – is the time when the law given to earthly humanity by the Higher Mind, the Creator of the Universe will come in the full force. It is then the Era of Prosperity - Golden Age of mankind will come here. In order to make everything I talk about, it is necessary to make an initial work, and this work can be vividly imagined as a seed planting where seed is the New Word of the New Flow of the Creator. Namely these seeds I am throwing into your world. In your opinion, what takes place is minimal. But think of the mustard seed. Remember that it is, when it is sown, it is less than all the other seeds on the earth, and when sown, it comes up and becomes greater than all herbs, and shoots out great branches.

I spoke about the Comforter. I said that through Him, I mean the Spirit, I will do work in the world. Think of the time you know from the writings of the two thousand years ago. Remember how difficult it was for those who lived in that time to determine, identify the true meaning of what was happening before their eyes. Were there many of those who came to believe? Very little. Were there many of those true devotees, who were willing to follow me through the true faith? Also a bit. Why did I often had to hear the flagrant rejection of me and all made by me? Because to distinguish what I sowed, from what other implanted, was extremely difficult. To do this, you must have a pure heart, customized to the higher vibration. But even if there is such a heart, it is hard for him to separate the doubts, it is hard to believe in what happens nearby. Is there a Truth here and the True Flow? Is it really a Christ communicates with you? And are the sent seeds are really from the Pure Flow of the Creator?

I want to dispel your doubts. I want you to learn to feel, to love, to hope and believe that everything spoken by me will come true. I am the Christ. I repeat this not a day, not a year, but already for a long time. The time, at which my service began, the new service as a Teacher for the benefit of earthlings. It is from the beginning of my service I am talking about myself, calling my earthly name. It is namely to confirm one thing - I throw seeds from the True Flow of the Creator. I speak to you from the first person. I speak through the one whom I have sent to this work, to this service, to this world. You do not have to repeat the Gospel stories - not by force of the prince of demons, Beelzebub, these messages are written. No! Through the Spirit of Truth speaking to you from the depths of the Worlds, from the Spiritual World of the Creator!

We – are living. Believe that we did not sunk into oblivion, that we can communicate, that we love you. Now I throw the seeds. Save them. Treasure them up. Sow and then everything will be just as described in this parable. How these seeds will sprout, grow and gain strength, will not be seen by you, will be beyond your desires. All of this is inherent in the grains. You must be filled with the power - the power of thought, the power of will, and then your word will have an effect in the world, the effect for the good.

The grains are sent into the world. Is the world ready to accept them, will be visible soon. The world thirsts for the New Flow, but to distinguish it from the numerous information of different areas is extremely difficult, because a lot is rejected initially.

I say that the New Word of the New Flow is already here on earth. And none of the forces that seek to prevent the New, striving to keep the flock, will not be able to destroy the grain, the seed thrown into the world. Seed must germinate. The world will recognize me. I am going to enjoy every soul that hear my voice, rejoice, exulting in her heart.

The Spiritual World - those who work with the Creator - is now implementing in your world its program aimed at the eradication of all not giving juicy ripe fruits, what are tares in Christianity. Yes, the power system organized religious institutions, which hold a monopoly on the Word of God. But the Word of God is living, it is audible here and there. It responses this time, this time Flow. Do not turn everything into dogmas. God – is the life. He hears you here and now, not back in the dim past, but now your thoughts, doings, acts can be reconciled with the Creator of the Universe, because you resonate to the higher vibrations, for that is your soul tuning.

Here and now we are with you. Here and now we want to help you. We want to clean the field of this magnificent planet, this amazing pearl, because it is related with you, dear earthlings.

World of Earth needs the clean grains, carrying the New Knowledge to earthlings. And from that how you sow them, many things depends on, for I am sending them, hoping for your awareness of what is happening.


Teacher Christ


Parable of the Prodigal Son

The parable of the prodigal son, his father and brother reflects the situation in the present and heralds the future. This parable is known to many, but given the sufficient distortions present in it, I will talk about it in general, without the text presentation.

Parable introduced into writing in accordance with the thinking and worldview of those living like everyone else. But sufficient distortions are present here. That is why I will talk about it on the basis of content that is well-known to many.

So, this parable is about the lost part of humanity. Is not this picture you see right now in your world? Do not many are immersed into the state of walking in the darkness? Is a   communication with such souls possible? Is it possible to make a transformation of a planet if most of the living does not bring Light, turned off from the Stream of the Creator and are glad to fill their bellies with the husks that the pigs ate? How to reach this, the most part of the earthly humanity, which scatters granted to it and goes the other "far side" living meretriciously? Is this not clearly visible analogy? Is it possible without compassion and pity to observe such distortions? The desire appears just to tell everyone following this way: where you are going? Where does this path lead to? How much more is necessary to suffer, to get a desire running from the heart to stop? Where is that trait that will make you come to your senses, to look back at your life and say, "I will arise and go to my Father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against Heaven and before Thee "?

We do not want to bring you to this boundary. We only wish that you yourself come to understand your role in life, that you may believe that the Father is merciful Parent. He forgives His child through sincere compassion, and great mercy. Yes, you are in the cruelest way wasting what is given to you. You stepped on the path of permissiveness. Your world has lost its bases of Good and Light. The world has become a greedy smug system of people-devourers of each other. The system turns people into soulless bio-robots, formal officials who have forgotten their true Essence, their soul. This is the way of the prodigal son.

But the Father also has the older son, who has always worked in the fields of His Father. He is relentlessly with the Father. It is through his efforts there is a work on a soul level in this world, the work of Light Forces in your world. Thanks to his efforts this world is supported by the Spiritual Forces, for the access is setting for the Clean Energy Stream of the Creator in the human souls. It is such the souls emanate, radiate Pure Light, which allows the planet to keep a minimum balance on its level. Yes, thanks to you, a pure soul, our communication takes place; the planet recharges with the Pure Ray of Light. Perhaps, the older son, with the true faith faithfully serving the Father, is not exalted by Him during his lifetime. He has no honor, wealth, nobility, and his inheritance is only work, enormously hard work - the service for the good. But the return of the prodigal son will be accepted by Father with great joy, a great rejoicing, for he was dead and is alive again, was lost and is found.

And we wait with this jubilation the hope; we crave mutual joy, happiness and bliss of the soul. We yearn for the return of the prodigal son, through the understanding of all that happens with him.

Returning to the Fathers House can happen to those who will be able to stop and listen only to the inner voice - your soul, which will point you, on the level of intuition, the Way back, as the Path of liberation. Let it be made this return! Father is waiting for all the lost souls, and namely them He gives a chance to return, as the salvation of their souls.

Namely to such souls my current call is appealed. Stop! Come to your senses! Take a look at the sky, the sun by the pure eyes of a child. Father, He Who is in Heaven, loves you. He forgives you through your awareness and inner repentance, as a work of burnout all rough and stagnant, all that ruins your soul. Receive your sight - and you will see the world differently! It will open for you those facets that previously were impossible to see. Hence a misunderstanding arose, not understanding the true nature of life, because its basics have been lost. But now you are making a tremendous act of purification in yourself, the greatest act of repentance, allowing you to finally lose the weight of accumulated errors, feel the lightness and purity of the world. The world is beautiful, is not it? You will make it so. Through you, it will gain the beauty, freshness and inspiration, because it needs you. You are now free from all dark, leading you to destruction. Restore peace in your soul, strive to the Pure Light, let yourself to come back to the Father, to His Bosom, The Father's House.

Your wanderings are over, and all the illusions that do evil through your souls disappear. Dissolution of all the dark, negative, stagnant is a complex process, and it does not occur overnight. The moment of awareness through repentance takes the soul out of the degradation state. The purification moment occurs only through the understanding of all happened before in its true light. This is the moment when the misaligned borders and frames restore, when the field aligns, when the distortions are dissolved on the energy level and give way to the true concepts, forgotten or ignored truths. Now this moment comes, a moment of true awareness of each of its role in this life. Everyone will be given the opportunity to hear, but hear and understand - are two different things. For understanding the essence it is necessary to have a clean field, capable of recognizing the heard. To have ears - means, in my comprehension, to have a clean channel of perception, an open heart that can feel and recognize heartfelt. Many lack it. Hence, the return of the prodigal son does not happen. The world is in Darkness at will and does not want to see the Light because of its not understanding.

I will not come to you more, and the second coming of the Son of Man will be accomplished through the Word.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


About forgiving

Let us consider an important aspect of my teaching – let us talk about forgiveness. What does this phrase implies: If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.  And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well? What I call for? Is it to permissiveness and the inability to defend your interests, to endure insults and violence? No! If your thinking is constructed in such a way, so you are far from understanding the Christian philosophy, Christian morality.

I did not call for faint-heartedness, cowardice and fear of repulsing the offender. No! The sword – is an essential weapon in your world. And when I felt the need for it, when I felt a threat to life of close to me beings, I directed the disciples to have a sword. For there are many people who are eager to seize by surprise and destroy those who hinders them to do other, that they need, acts that bring the destruction of this world. How it is possible to protect the family and those close to you? With just one word, a look, a gesture? Yes, that would be good, but everything happens differently. Alas! For there are some tried and tested tactics that emerged here in this world, and to completely reject them - means to jeopardize yourself and those who depend on you.

Yet we are talking about forgiveness. I brought you the famous phrase, and I wish you to penetrate into its meaning. What I call for, when I say: 'Love your enemies, do not do to others what you would not wish yourself? I urge you to forgive, to nonviolence. I urge you to break, at last, the vicious circle of vengeance, consisting of deep resentment and lifelong unforgiveness. These energy links created here many calamities that have no end, because there is no one who would rise above the petty human emotions, who would be able to look at everything deeper and wider, who would see far-reaching consequences of the acts perpetrated, of current events. Someone should manifest wisdom and to express himself with the position of the manifested Spirit. Who is this someone? Perhaps it is you or you. Is it possible for you to forgive the offender and release him with peace? Is it possible for you to repeal the impact through your love and understanding? Understand what is happening. Do not let the possibility of low emotions and feelings overwhelm you. And if you cannot do this – what makes you better than someone who offended you? What is your difference?

If you cannot use protection, and it is love, then think of your Divine Essence, remember that you are filled with Light - your field is luminiferous, it brings you protection. Standing opposite of those who bears you a grudge, using his own tactics and wanting to fight - the war of words, the mutual insults - you break and shift your field, you are breaking the defense, you create the conditions for obtaining the impact on the energy level. And it is sometimes much more painful and harder than the physical attack. And if physical attack may be right away felt and reacted, then energetic hits have consequences that will long press down on you. This is the holes in a field, it is also the intense loss of energy, which leads to small ailments and serious. Many serious illnesses arise precisely because of the grave violations of human communication.

How to stop these gross connections, that bear you suffering and illnesses, distortions in thinking and world perception? How to teach people not to commit atrocities from low motives? How to stop this vicious circle, which is embroiled the majority of living in it? Only through forgiveness. Stop the evil going on the energy level, carrying you breach and misbalance in everything, it is possible only through the rejection of this evil.

How it is possible to produce it in life? Try to get peace and through this peace bring the wisdom inside and understanding of what is happening. You become not the one who take the blows, but the one who reflects these attacks through his protected luminous field, through the Light of Love that you are full of. Think of understanding. Think of the love of neighbor. Thus, you create yourself protection at the level of energy. You will not allow to spill, in the heat of anger and revenge, all that you are filled with. You will not give the possibility to let an alien energy of destruction to come inside, that has huge implications for you in the future. You will not spend all the accumulated capacity to acts that do not bear good. You will not destroy your energy field, because a long time, a very long time it will be necessary to make it up out of the wreckage.

The vicious circle of low emotions can be stopped by mutual forgiveness only. Namely to this I urge you - to forgiveness and non-violation of the Laws of Universe. I am talking about the termination of corrupt ties, about release. Be free! I repeat this often, but my appeal is not understood and not accepted by the majority. And what does “be free” means? Free yourself from the ties that create dependencies for you. Free your mind from false thinking and prejudice. What is your purity, if you furnished yourself with the conditions that prevented from moving on the Way? Forgiveness - that does not mean to have feigned smile at the very moment when your soul raging passion and resentment really wins. This does not mean forgiveness. This means that you control in this moment your emotions. Forgiveness involves completely different - total acceptance of the one who is trying to cause you offense. And excuse. Excuse includes non-judgment, the desire to understand the situation from the high position of higher developments.

Forgiveness - is the supreme act of mercy and understanding between people. This is your lift up. This is also your ability to understand the other as yourself. It is the opportunity to save energy; it is the possibility to have a healthy physical body.

Cognize these opportunities. Be merciful and full of understanding. Do not let the opportunity  to all the lower and rough to penetrate you and strike. Use protection - the manifested love for all beings that fills you with Light, enlarging your energy potential. Try to see everything deeper, from the position of new knowledge about the energies and their interrelations. The world has many faces, and the protection is necessary, but use a sincere forgiveness as a barrier from the attack on the energy level. And this barrier does not allow all malware to penetrate inside of you.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


About humility

Let us talk about another important aspect necessary for the adoption of Christian philosophy and Christian world view – let us talk about humility. This concept is the most difficult for realization of many, it is difficult to understand, hence arise many false conclusions.


So, what the concept of "humility" involves, presupposes? What is it? Perhaps you may imagine some spineless, weak, timid man, completely devoid of decisiveness, and perseverance. If so, I mean a completely different state. I am talking about humility as the highest fulfillment of the Law of the Cosmos - the Law of discipline.


This Law and its action is due only to those who have chosen the Path of service, having shown with it the maximum manifestation of will and power of the Spirit, showing all the top qualities. At the same time this person acts in a new way - the worker, the servant, who executes the Will of God. The Will of God assumes execution of the scheduled, implementation of the planned, and for embodying, implementing the conceived, the humility is necessary as one of the main qualities, because a lot you see from the position of your subjective vision and know not the future; also you do not have the opportunity to see, or review, a complete picture of the world.


Yes, you need humility as a mainly quality for a conscious work, contributing to the identification and disclosure of all hidden. Humility - is the ability of complete alignment of the field, bringing all the energies in a harmonious balance. Yes, humility – is a state of manifested Spirit, the one in whom the right relationship with God as Father are established. Namely these relationships of trust create an unshakable faith in the soul, which manifested in complete trust, henceforth manifesting humility in everything. This is the highest state of those who came to the true and correct understanding of the world and everything that happens in it. It is to this condition the person comes through the heart prayer, through faith in the fact that everything in his life made by the Will of God, according to the Laws of the Creator. It is the knowledge and awareness of the underlying processes occurring in the energy world, understanding, realizing a lot of what is happening in your world will create in your mind an amazing state of peace, which is called humility. This is like the supreme conscious prayer, it is the impulse of thanksgiving and love through the appeasement of all the senses, it is a manifestation of humility - to live according to the will of God, according to the Supreme Law of the Cosmos. The Path of service and humility - is an integral manifestation of the spiritual Essence of man, this is our Way as well, as we follow this Path.


I want you to understand right, to feel right what I am telling you.  I want to tell you: aspire to the Pure Light, to our Parent. Experience the joy, the great joy of communication with Him as with the Father. Your perception of the world at the same time will change. All the highest qualities will be manifested in you. You will reveal your Path and purpose of your coming into the world. And then through the highest impulses of the heart, through prayer and thanksgiving that come through the sincere love, humility will manifest in you as a moment of highest awareness of all happening.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


About the guilt feeling

Human society requires compliance with laws, morality observance - the rules of moral conduct, for there are set rules governing the duties of man in relation to society and others, it is the established framework of conduct, including rules, criteria and evaluations. I want to highlight some of the issues associated with the concepts set out in the soul. First of all, it is the concept of guilt.


How the feeling of guilt does influence the human soul? Is this concept necessary or perhaps it is possible to release yourself from it?

I will say this way, that the notion of guilt is necessary for the development of the soul. By removing it, you will find yourself in a world where the strong distortions of human behavior are allowed. Having released your soul from feelings of guilt, you will de prive it from development of concepts such as conscience and honesty, and so you can find yourself on the lowest rung of society. This is a descent. This disposal is directed to degradation rather than on the development of human individual.


A human cognizes the world in it’s diversity. He learns, passes various stages of his development and self-awareness in this world. He performs various wrongdoings intentionally and unintentionally. And what can be a barrier to stop the actions not bearing good? Only a sense of guilt for what he did. Only it can stop, warn human, make him to take a thought, to analyze all your actions, his inner state, which led to the consequences arose which are reflected on the others.


Guilt feeling must be developed in everybody. Your actions, committed when dealing with other people, have to pass through a sieve of this feeling. And if you find there what was held, what is your fault in relation to other people - do not try to justify yourself, try not to drown this feeling inside of you. It will not lead to good intentions. On the contrary, it is necessary to meet this feeling and to understand yourself. To review the situation and analyze what inside of you has caused this fault, contradicting to your soul, that state, which led to a misdemeanor, which led to a condition in which your internal criteria have been violated.


It can happen to anyone, because the Material World offers many temptations for the soul going through the body. Advanced desires to get the maximum benefits from the life presuppose many breakdowns in the human soul. Such failures usually result in inadequate conditions, provocative actions that are misconducts in the human society. And if this happens, be balanced, strict and fair to yourself. Do not try to close yourself with the different phrases that guilt does not exist in this world. The guilt exists, and you must response for misconduct. To whom? First of all, to yourself. Only sincere repentance will help you to restore your soul harmony and peace. If you need to confess to someone, then confess to God as the Father through the sacrament of prayer. Yes, the sacrament of prayer is precisely designed for a sincere and frank conversation. Having the feeling in your soul, you absolutely must make a rigorous judicature, to plead guilty, to reconsider your behavior and repent sincerely, without doing yourself any indulgence and not justifying yourself.


Repentance – it is the moment of the highest tension for the soul. This is the moment when the energies, that led to a state of deviation from the norms of morality and human behavior, burn trough, recycle. The moment of repentance - a supreme moment of purification of the soul. The moment when you yourself are the judges and convicted. You let go all that is negative in your soul, everything that hinders your free development, all that was a barrier to the joyful awareness of life.

Many, many need to repentance because their accumulated energy of the negative emotions, misconducts and outright crimes gnawing and crunching their souls. Not everything has a direct blow immediately, but the "law of the boomerang" works, and the angle of movement and returning turn does not always embrace this life. I will say that the higher the offense, the greater the energy charge, but also the longer it’s return. And the angle falling, as it is known, is always equal the angle of reflection. Boomerang will certainly come back, but, more often, for the big faults, you bear responsibility in the invisible world, when a person leaves the earthly plane of being. And than the relationship is most tangible and clear, energies are visible and everything perceived consciously.


In the World of Energy, undoubtedly, all the souls get what they have gained in the World of Matter. There everything sets back in its places. The soul sees all the links that have arisen on the energy level. It becomes clear that, producing a blow to another person you make yourself vulnerable, because in the World of Energies you are creating the preconditions for counter attack of a maximum force. And the position of "I am not guilty, no one is guilty" does not clean. It generates impunity, which is only visible, hiding the responsibility for every doing for every act, for all the thoughts that are destructive to the world and to each individual.


The responsibility for your actions, intentions, words and thoughts exists, because metaphorically it can be compared with the grains, which a farmer scatters on the field. What you sow, you reap. So let only the true seeds of your pure soul to grow on your field.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


The question: Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.

Matthew 7:1-2

The question, as I understand it, is to explain this dictum, to interpret this phrase. Yes, that is correct phrase. Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. What is it about?


Each developed its own explanations of this phrase, and I think they are right. I will speak though through my current vision, through my understanding of this phrase.


Yes, I called and I call now to non-judgment. Did I say that you need to turn a blind eye to the crimes and criminals, those who willfully ignores the laws? Of course not. I'm talking about something else. I am talking about rumors, of philistine gossips about those moments when the mote in the eye of thy brother seems so huge that you don’t feel the beam in your own eye. I am talking about the friendly attitude towards each other. I am talking about understanding the misfortunes and aspirations of the neighbor that give birth to mutual understanding. I am talking about justice and mercy.


Is it possible to combine all these things? Is it possible first to look at yourself the way you look, condemning and mocking at the neighbor? Is it possible to achieve a sense of deep respect to each other, respect to those who have more experience in life? These questions can be asked on, but it is also possible to answer yourself honestly to at least one of them.


Your development will not be true until you are imbued with an amazing love for anyone who comes into this world. I repeat many times about unity, and I will talk about this further, because my words are perceived allegorically. And I say this directly. You - are united in your energy relations, by your implementation of lives. You get life energy from the one Source, the Creator of the Universe. And thus learn to see energy dependences, appearing on the energy level.


Everything is connected, and we said that the word is always full of energy, as well as thoughts. What happens to the man who follows the path of the wicked condemnation? What does he create on the energy level? Huge dependence, because the word that has a negative energy charge will certainly return to you, for such is the Law. And we have already spoken about this. By creating situation to another human where all the negative manifestations are present, you will certainly find yourself in a similar situation, only in a strengthened version. You are building many of the negative situation in your life yourself, creating through your thoughts and words the possibility of their implementation. And so I said: you shall not covet your neighbor what you would not wish yourself.


Be compassionate. Do not rejoice the sorrow or fall of your neighbor. Remember that with this you create a negative field having message to a specific address, but the World of Energies is closely interrelated, and with the high consciousness and benevolent attitude towards you of whom you conduct gossip, with his forgiveness and honesty, you get back an increased charge of all your negatives. Control your words and thoughts. The process of your purification can not commence without it, the work through the new energies cannot happen in you. The reason of conviction has also disrespectful treatment to anyone, for the soul, that set foot on the Path that leads to the new cognition, new knowledge, must be distinguished by first of all the highest criteria that it has established in herself.


Is it possible to build a new building on a dilapidated old foundation? Such a building will soon have the created risk of destruction. In such a building is dangerous to move in, it is dangerous to work in it. We want to build a new building with the basics. And initially we dismantle the old building, brick by brick, and it is hard work - not for the weak and timid. This work involves the conscious desire to do it, assumes training, qualification at the level of the Spirit.


I am not suggesting you easy and quick victories. On the contrary, I say that congestions and blockages, and hard work are waiting for of us ahead. I do not suggest you to use any techniques. I tell you about the work on yourself, about the serious work. This group was created for serious actions. Many difficulties will fall on its destiny, because to be the first to pave the Path – very and very difficult. People who will manage to recognize me and to feel here the live word that comes from my heart, will start working, that involves an initial study. The new knowledge about your world, about the World of the Cosmos hasten to you. But I want initially to level the common field of people present, so a kind of unity and understanding of each other would appear and that you carry out in life everything what I am asking you.


Judge not lest ye be judged. How to penetrate into the depths of this phrase? How to understand its essence? First of all, through comparison. Initially, try to imagine yourself in the place of the one whom you are talking about. Is it possible to excuse yourself in this situation? And the other? Is it possible to help instead of condemning? Is it possible for you to change your vision of the situation? Only through the change in you. I said, I repeated this many times, that only by changing yourself you will change the world. The world of, first of all, your perception. By changing a lot in you, you can feel the world differently. Remove your claim to this world, begin to see the connections on the World of Energy level, then you can direct your mind on the right development, increasing your ability.


Yes, the world is diverse, and there is evil in your world. It is clearly manifested here. It operates here, and I would say, is intensifying its activities, and to stop, stop its activities it is necessary to install restrictive barriers - for this the Law of the Cosmos exist, that are partly expressed in the Ten Commandments. There are also Laws of communication. Violation of these Laws assumes responsibility in the World of Energy, assumes restrictive measures here on Earth. Assumes that each who committed crime, each offender shall be liable for their actions in the World of Matter and the World of Energies. Responsibility also exists in the World of Cosmos for breaking the Law. But when I talk about forgiveness and non-judgment, I talk about other. I talk about you, about your development, about your spiritual development that involves identifying the highest qualities in you, all inherited in you. Feel the difference. I am not talking about crime and punishment, but about forgiveness and non-judgment. This releases you from energy dependence. This is your finding a harmonious balance in a soul. This is an opportunity to move forward, and our joint Path is not possible without such a worldview. Impossible to move on the Path. We will stagnate. We will talk about the same, because words like energy charges do not reach their destination.


I urge you - be merciful, especially to each other. Respect each other, because this is an important step for the establishment of unity, for the emergence of true, friendly relationships.


Learn from each other, for each has his hallmark. Each one - a bright personality, already manifested or not yet manifested.

Everything is interconnected in the worlds of the Universe. This interconnection is built on the World of Energy, not visible by you, but you already can realize its effect.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


The question: Comment, please, on the famous phrases:


…Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.  For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.

Matthew 10:34-36

The question is to clarify these phrases. What does the written imply?


From the beginning I have to say that this translation, although it bears a vague thought of the said, but still is a bit rough, not peculiar to me, for I remember, when and under what circumstances I said all the speech. And what compelled me to speak in this way, it was the circumstances associated with it. But now I will not be telling the stories of life, I will comment on this text from today's perspective, today's thinking.


Yes, I brought not peace, but a sword. From the position of today's vision you probably already aware of the correctness of this foresight. I brought to Earth news from the Spiritual Sphere of the Cosmos, the news from the distant, not visible to you World, news about God, the Creator of the Universe. And the news was filled with faith, filled with new energy Flow of that time. This was new information from the new time Flow, new for that time. This flow bore update on the Earth, as well as it happens now.


However, the Great Idea of a single faith in the Creator at that time had to have a unifying beginning. A single faith is nationless, non-national. It is directed to everyone who lives, regardless of place of his habitat. It is directed at the unity of living by faith in the Creator. This is what I was explaining to living at that time, to those who listened to me. I wanted to convey my deep faith in the Father to all whom I had communication with. God is love. This was the key phrase, the one that was supposed to leave indelible mark in the memory of all who heard my speech.


But why with all this I said that I brought to peoples the sword? What is the discrepancy here? After all, the very idea is aimed at peace and unity. And suddenly - a complete contradiction. Yes it is. Here you can track the moment of time when I saw everything from a distant, from the future. I had this gift. Then I saw how the pure idea was turned around, how all that has been invested in it, disappeared, dissolved in human ignorance, in imposed foundations, rituals. It is not what I called people for, but for peace in the world. But the idea went in the world for the implementation by the living on the earth plane. From those living at that time much depended. How the conceived will be carried out - the Program of the Spiritual Sphere of the Cosmos - is up to you, up to those who imbued with the idea, who will begin to pass it through himself, begin to carry it into the world. Further implementation depends on living on the earth plane. Namely they pass it through themselves, filled with it, and carry it into the world. On the energy level – it is a new energy from the New Flow, arrayed in the Word, which passes to the living.


The man who stepped on the Path of service, does not completely belong to his family any more. He is only subordinated to the aspirations of his Spirit, which are clearly manifested in him. Such a person receives kind of an opportunity to be born again, for that which is born of the flesh is flesh, born of the Spirit is Spirit. It is necessary for a human to be born of the Spirit, that is to consciously acknowledge God as his Spiritual Father, recognizing a Spiritual Beginning in him, and him as a child of God. Yes, to serve, to carry into the world Ideas of Father - God-Creator, you must commit this breakthrough in yourself, this passageway from one state of being into a new, and that is the birth, the birth of the Spirit. This breakthrough, a leap in the consciousness of this initial, primary in you particle of the Creator - the immortal soul – is that separation at the level of thought from those earthly relatives and friends, who have not reached yet such awareness.


Birth in the Spirit - this is a great stage in human life, following the Path of spiritual development. This is the awareness on the intuition level that God - living, that He gave all for good, that He longs for only such love that you are imbued with your mother, and with your son, and with your father, and with any close native being. The birth of the Spirit accomplishes through love, through the emergence of related sincere feelings to God as Father. That is when you attain the Father, and Mother, for the Creator has all these energies in Harmony.


Speaking of the birth in the Spirit, I do not mean that the conflict environment will be created in a family where will be the division of a human with his father, mother and daughter and other relatives. No! It is not the point. This is about birth in the Spirit, when one comes to a new awareness of himself in life, when a person begins to think differently - deeper and closer to the Truth. This separation occurs at the energy level, because it becomes qualitatively different: a man born in the Spirit, becomes the conductor of the Energies of the Creator - is the one whose field luminous, is a carrier of Light. This is the essence of the division, because to achieve this birth through the work on oneself, through the acception of the Ideas of the Creator, through conscious service - is not easy, and this happens far not with everyone seeking and following the Path.


The road to the service – it is a thorny Path, and it is hard and persistent work, and it is responsibility, as the huge cargo in the Path. Without the above is not possible to make a necessary effort, for the birth - is always a breakthrough, the transition from the Darkness to the Light, to the new and unknown, and it is done through the enhanced work.


Everything that I say is aimed at one thing - to explain you that we are talking about work, about the intensive work that must emanate in you. It is aimed, above all, at your transformation that will be made in you by the born of the Spirit. Spirit who dwells in you, will manifest, will born for the good deeds. You will feel your difference from relatives and friends, and they will feel you are different. You will feel that henceforth you sense your unity with God differently. He is your Spiritual Guide, Mentor. He is your Spiritual Father. And saying: "Heavenly Father," you will not be coolly repeating the famous phrase. No! You are applying to the One Whom you believe, you trust most in this life. You appeal to the Father, for you have grasped a Higher Beginning inside of you - your Spirit, which is primary for you from now on.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


The question: why blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness?

Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin.

Mark 3:28-29

Let us talk about the Holy Spirit as you say, but I will say otherwise: let us talk about the Energy of the Creator – about that life-giving force, which fills with the life any living creature of the Universe.


The Energy of the Creator – is a Pure Light of creating Energy, is the Source of Life. And the Source of Life - is, figuratively speaking a crystal clear water spring, life-giving to all living creatures. What shall happen if the spring will become beclouded, blocked? What shall happen to this world, if it ceases to access the Pure energy from the Primary Source? And there will be irreversible. Your energy reserves will be quickly exhausted. They will lose their strength, power. There will be no more reviving of life, the gardens will not blossom in its fragrance - life, having exhausted its reserves, will gradually fade away, because your life is built on the energy exchange, on mutual donation of energy to each other. The Creator’s Energy will only then work here in full force when that what I say will be acceptable for the understanding and implementation in the life of all living.


We have already talked that those who set foot on the Path of cognition, those who seek purification, will carry the Light of the Creator through their fields, and then the Transfiguration of the Earth will start. Transfiguration of the Earth has already begun with you, for you are those who bear Light to this world, who begun the work for the purification process by doing it, first of all, in yourself. Those who have the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, the Energy of the Creator that gives him life, will be disconnected from this Energy, will be deprived of the Spiritual World’s support. Where does this path go? In nowhere, into the abyss, into nothingness. Having lost the energy of life, they will have to search for another source of nutriment, because the energetic body craves for the exchange, longs for new incomings. And there are those who will "help". But this "help" will show you the final descent into the lower energy layers, where your essence will have to be in limbo, and to get out, to escape from there is not easy, especially without the support of the invisible world.


So, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit can slow down your development for a long time, can block you an access, break the thread, wire, through which the pure energy of life flows. To restore it is possible, but extremely difficult because such persons are like de-energized, they live their lives out of inertia. They are not able either to develop or to create, and the energy of lower energetic layers which now feed them, pulls them to bottom level actions, because they have chosen a path to Darkness and in the Darkness.


Creator is merciful and gracious. He is filled with forgiveness and all-forgiveness. He always forgives his children, whatever they have done. But the Energy of the Creator circulates here under its own Laws - the Laws of Energies. And the disconnection, wire breakage occurs by your will, for blasphemy - that is exactly the breakage, the locking on the energy level. And therefore the consequences of this can be very diverse and not for one human life.


You have the opportunity to look at the world differently; you have the opportunity to consider everything in this world from the position of a new vision. Namely for this I communicate with you. It is in this my goal - to give you new concepts of new time.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


The question: For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.

Luke, 18:25

Explain this expression.

What is it about? I wish you did not confuse by analogies and that you would not try even in your imagination to push a camel in the eye of the needle, but think differently, understanding the allegorical image.


This phrase implies a completely different understanding. It says that even the impossible is possible, but to change the consciousness of the formed person, having distorted thinking, is really very difficult. This requires tremendous efforts. A person, who has not just a wealth, but the accumulations exceeding his daily needs, already limits his development by the fake targets. He directs all his efforts on the wrong path, and this path leads him to a dead end, because the opportunities for development are lost, the potential is wasted, efforts and aspirations revealed, are in a vain. Accumulation of material – the wealth - do not make its owner better, on the contrary, most often all the lower qualities are manifested, that do not lead to development.


Very rarely when the manifested power of the Spirit can create conditions for the development of personality. Conditions for the development of the individual, for the manifestation of the Spirit can only be created with the free thinking, free from dogmas and conventions of the Material World. A man rushing to the goal of having wealth and power, can not stop, because it is a kind of shackles that hold him, the shackles of "heavy metal" that drag and absorb all the aspirations of the soul. Yes, hard to break the chains of (for) those who created them, who are bound to their prison in which the soul is tightly closed. The apparent welfare and prosperity replace the true happiness and joy. Satiety creates the conditions for the loss of sensitivity, and the desires become more and more unbridle.


To live in wealth and luxury - it is a dream of most people living on this planet. Namely this dream is the most fascinating, is a landmark in educating children. The whole industry and business are designed to countless savings, to the wealth generated by any means. Yes, it is this is the fascinating idea, this goal creates conditions for violations of the Laws of the human community - the Laws of the Cosmos and the Laws of communication. Many of the crimes and misdeeds are based on precisely this purpose - to get wealth, to possess a large number of values, and bank accounts. Is it possible to reach such souls? Can I teach them anything, explain, clarify? No, of course, they are absorbed by their idea, their goal, they live in this area for the sake of the present moment, not thinking about temporality of their existence and not wanting to think and stop.


Material life has an attractive force; it is a stream that bears you along the river of life. How to stop and get out on the shore when the flowing takes you farther and farther away, and there is already no possibility to bring their desires for consistency? The soul wants to rest, wants insight, but the rapid onflow - the pursuit of money - carries you farther and farther away. And all his life the same. Life becomes a continuous circular motion. You move, make every effort to move - and constantly find yourself in the same place. And this illusory happiness beckons you, the happiness of the possession of capital. Namely this idea becomes a key setting of the majority.


Many would argue with me that the money - is a necessary condition of your world, without them the existence of man is impossible. But you forgot about the main thing - give Caesar what is Caesar's and to God – what is God’s. And then you will be able to find and determine that golden mean in yourself that will create you the conditions for the development. Namely for the development, for the harmonious development you came here.


This is the true purpose of your arrival, and your deeds bearing the good. Acts for the good, for the sake of prosperity of Mother Earth, in the name of the free development of the soul - this is the Way, leading to the Kingdom of Heaven, in the Abode of God the Creator.


Namely on this Path I am calling you. I wish you to make the right choice.


So be it!

Teacher Christ


The perfect joy

Perfect joy - this is one of the principles of my teaching. This is what our Path is directed to. And this Path leads to the Creator. The Spiritual World of the Cosmos is permeated with this state, this feeling fills our nature, because it is inextricably linked with the state of Harmony in its highest forms.


But what is the perfect joy? How to determine something that can only be felt, that is concomitant condition of all higher manifestations that is more likely to pass through the World of Energy than to be described through the thought and the word? But still I will try to give you the definition of limitless state which you can only touch, only come closer to.


Perfect happiness is a state the servants of the Creator reside in. It is a condition that comes from the Greatest Entity. This is the feeling that occurs when you are in the Flow of the Creator. Flow of the Creator, His Energies to varying degrees give these feelings; give you the opportunity, even for the short time, to be in an ecstatic state of Harmony – the equilibrium of all higher manifestations, in a state of Higher Love. I repeat all the time the word "higher" just because sensations, feelings have graduations, and that is what I want to emphasize that these feelings, these sensations are on the highest bar of sensations that can be felt by those who are in a different world.


Yes, sensations and feelings will remain with you when you leave this world, when you will go to a different stage of your existence. Your sensation abilities will increase. They will be different from what you experience now. They will be qualitatively different and will depend on the layer in which you find yourself. This will create you other opportunities. This will create you new sensations. It all depends on your location. And your manifestation in this world also depends on it, and the manifestation of your abilities. The World of Higher Energies allows its residents to feel all the feelings perfectly, again in different gradations, because perfection has no limits. In the same way sensations and feelings can change their coloring and the degree of manifestations. But we are talking about the notion which sounds a bit strange in your world - this is the notion of joy, which approached to the highest bar of its feelings.


Perfect joy - it is in unity of all the best in you, all manifested. This is cumulative manifestation of the higher feelings, passed through the Love of the Creator, His flow. Yes, namely through the faith, prayer, thanksgiving, you can touch this feeling; you can feel yourself in these moments an inhabitant of the Higher Realms. That is why I urged you to meditation, to prayerful contemplation, to the highest prayer - the heart prayer, because that is what brings us closer to each other, what gives you the possibility of another cognition, that gives you even for a moment the higher feelings, leading you to the development and the higher knowledge of the world. This should be sought by those who elicited their Path, who has made up their minds in their searching, who feel at the level of the soul that the world is multi-faceted and has many faces, and your life not ends in your exercise in the World of Matter. This is only a segment of a long Path, but in this segment you make an important choice, you select the direction of the Path, in this regard you produce savings, collect the wealth of your soul, or, on the contrary, waste everything.


You are given the possibility of cognition, you are given an opportunity of development. And this development will lead you to the world of your future dwelling, when it will be possible to contemplate the fruits of your work. Namely by that fruits, by that savings that you accumulated, you will be recognized. And you will belong to the world you are aspired to. And those who have touched the greatest mystery of cognition in your world, those who have learned to communicate with the Creator through their heart, those have undoubtedly came close to the feeling of the highest order – to the perfect joy, to the total feeling of the highest manifestations.


The World of Cosmos is diverse and multi-faceted, I repeat it often, and each world offers its own Path and has its purpose in the end of the Path. I suggest you the joy of learning, the joy of improvement, the joy of approach to God the Creator. Let it be this joy manifested in you! Let it be the Light, which undoubtedly will illuminate your Path! Let the grace be condescend on you, and you will experience the higher manifestations in you, will touch the great joy, manifested in you through the improvement of all of your feelings!


I wish you to manage to feel the Flow of the Creator, His Energies pouring from the Heavens. Feel yourself celestial for a moment. Repudiate everything earthly and superficial! You are pure Spirit, a true continuation of our Father. He is in you and you are in Him through the connection by the energy chain. This is the Beginning that will help you to create in your soul the greatest feeling of happiness, love, bliss. This is the greatest moment of joy, jubilation of the soul.


Allow it to come true. Let all the concealed and high to manifest in your soul.


We are waiting for those who will recognize our purpose and our Path. That Path I suggest you, leads you into the higher layers of the World of Energy, to God the Creator.


So be it!

Teacher Christ






The two have felt a certain impulse of hearts. It is the energy of the soul comes into touch with similar to it. There was recognition and unity on the energy level. It is not visible to you processes. They create a certain tuning in a soul. The propensity emerges to the one who becomes recognizable by his soul tuning. The soul trembles and waits for a reciprocal state through displays of feelings.


This is the primary sensations of two souls loving each other - loving each other in their subconscious, and eager to prove their love in the manifested world. Why is this necessary? And why the souls full of light are aspired to this? First of all, they are trying to restore in themselves the state that accompanied them in their former abodes. Love of Heaven is not similar to her earthly manifestation. Love of Heaven - is a stable state of the highest manifestations of the soul, is a state of great appeasement, great understanding, great veneration of all things through in-depth cognition of the essence of all that is happening. This cognition comes through a sense of closeness of the Giver of Light, Bearer of Love, Him, Who emits Pure Energy.


Energy as a pure light has refraction into its component parts, and the main part of the caring Flow – is the energy of Life, which is largely in its integral part is the energy of Love. What does it mean? This means that the Flow of Sabaoth is now flowing on Earth. It is He now transforms, makes changes to this system. It is He Who fills the space with the energy of a great power and strength. And the composition of His energy is inherent only to Him. This again is His distinctive principle - the energy of Love, prevailing in His composition.


All the worlds that are filled with this energy differ by their attitude, their acceptance through love of all created things. You are granted with this happiness - to sense, to feel the Flow of Love of the Creator, to fill yourself with His Light. Namely through the Love, manifested in you to Him, through this state, the sensation will come to you that is left in your deep memory, - a sense of living in other areas, other worlds, where life is manifested differently, where love is felt deeper and differently, for she is not looking for the pleasure of body and fleeting ecstasy, but the ultimate bliss accompanies her, because she is pure and sincere. She is looking for sensations that will create her jubilation by complete coincide of these sensations with a single close soul, located in the flow of feelings.


The harmony of the two. You may desire it and strive towards this. You can only get close for a moment to this ecstatic state that accompanies us. We perform all acts in a state that, by your definition, can be defined as a state of Harmony, in a state of equilibrium of feelings and lack of emotion. Yes, we crossed the border, the line, when for the emergence of any state, the emotion is primarily necessary. Our feelings are expressed differently. Our feelings are not subject to such an intense fluctuations that you experience. We have an objective possibility of cognition, and it saves us from the inherent to you emotions and feelings.


I want you to understand the differences and similarities between the two worlds, our interrelation and something that we have the opportunity to feel like the greatest gift - Love, her Flow, emanating from the Light Bearer, it’s amazing filling coming from the Primary Source.


Yes, love one another by pure Love, passed through the predicated heart. It is this Love is the Light of the world. It is such Love makes you alike God. It is necessary to recognize as the Truth the existence of the Greatest Mind in our Universe, the existence of the Executors - the Creators of the Universe. And you are in the field of the planet, where you are currently dwelling, and this field has a direct link to the Primary Source, the Creator. It is alive. And as you breathe and absorb the air of life, in the same way the field has the ability to perform similar actions. The breath - is the acquiring of the necessary energy. Exhale – is return it back with a different composition. The breath of the planet can be felt by you. The energy exchange between the two worlds. This is our connection, felt by you as pulses going from the Heaven. Through these impulses goes the filling of the planet with the energy of special composition, special fullness.


Absorb this prana! Fill yourselves with the pure Light! Clean the vessels of the soul, so that they would not obscure that new that will be filling them!


So be it!

Teacher Christ


[The last message of Book 3]

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