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The Annunciation – the Good News, coming to peoples of the world.

Its hour has come.

The time has come to change people’s worldview for the better and in the name of Mother Earth’s transfiguration.


Enough! I will no longer allow turning people into the sheep, for their shepherd is a wolf. He feeds them for himself, for his personal gain. He controls the herd of those who believe in the idol hanging on the temple’s walls. And these pastors have managed to close all souls, to intimidate and to cast everything into doubt, everything unknown to you, in such a way that it is impossible to open pure hearts.


Everything is confused. All souls are frightened: what if a devil or a satan speaks to you?

And what if the Lord Himself?

You want to banish the Lord out, for you have been deprived of the fundamental – the firm belief that God is alive. And if He is alive, it means that He can do everything an alive being can do. He can think, feel, and can convey all thoughts and feelings to you.


Do not be afraid of the new! The new is coming to you!

Do not get closed with dogmas-shields. Open your heart and let it feel. Let it prompt you, whether it can be or cannot. But it exists already! The Good News about the new world is knocking on your door. Open the door to it!


Everything that happened in the past is known to you, and I will tell you what will happen. Yes, here we want to build a New world firstly having informed everyone about this. Now I would like to tell you about the New world that is coming here. It will have to experience a lot before the new Good News reaches everybody.


We crave for the realization of all our plans, of all the developments that have been made in ages. And the whole Spiritual World is behind us; it believes in you, in your deeds, words. The Creator has approved the time for all our representatives in all the worlds to begin their work. It will be not easy, but nevertheless, we all rely on you. We hope that you can feel this – yes, it is necessary; it is no longer possible to live this way. It is necessary to reject lies, the untrue, and to see the power in the new flow that is already coming to you.


All forces of Darkness will desperately resist, doom you to fear, loneliness, and grief. And we are telling you: let joy enter your heart; the Good News is already knocking at you. It will spread all over the world, but at first it will be heard here. Here, we have chosen this ancient Kiev for fulfillment of our ideas. From here, a Son of God will come into the world, the new Messenger, new Son of the Creator. He will come to say to you again all the eternal words. But before he comes, you can begin the work.


However, you should start with yourself. Purify your ideas, emotions, all your thoughts and deeds. Then you will be able to see the new, believe in God, our Father, and in me. And then together we will lay the foundation of a new belief, when self-confidence comes. When you deeply feel our strength and believe: “Yes, Light is stronger than Darkness”, then we will go the straight road to that age which you call the Gold one.


So be the changes for the good on the planet!

So be Peace and Light, let Darkness disappear!

Let Sun’s ray caress all children of the world!

Let joy come to you, let the Good News reach your hearts!


So be it!



Dear Friends,
we will appreciate very much your participation and desire to share and disseminate this message and will be grateful to you from the bottom of our hearts.


Ascension project members

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